SymmetricMatrix<T> Methods


AbsInPlace Computes the absolute value of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AbsoluteMax Returns the value of the element in this matrix that has the largest absolute value.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AbsoluteMin Returns the value of the element in this matrix that has the smallest absolute value.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AcoshInPlace Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AcosInPlace Computes the inverse cosine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Add Adds a constant to a matrix and returns the result.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddInPlace(T) Adds a scalar to a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddInPlace(Matrix<T>) Adds another matrix to this matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddInPlace(Vector<T>, Dimension) Adds a vector broadcast along the specified dimension to this matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddOuterProduct(Matrix<T>) Updates a symmetric matrix with the product of a matrix and its transpose.
AddOuterProduct(Vector<T>) Updates a symmetric matrix with the outer product of a vector and itself.
AddOuterProduct(T, Matrix<T>) Updates a symmetric matrix with the scaled outer product of a matrix and its transpose.
AddOuterProduct(T, Vector<T>) Updates a symmetric matrix with the scaled outer product of a vector and its transpose.
AddProductInPlace(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Adds the product of two matrices to this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddProductInPlace(Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation) Adds the product of two matrices to this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddProductToVector Multiplies a Vector<T> by this instance and stores the result in a second vector of type DenseVector<T>.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
AddScaledInPlace Adds a scaled matrix to this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddScaledProductInPlace(T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Adds a multiple of the scaled product of two matrices to this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddScaledProductInPlace(T, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation) Adds the scaled product of two matrices to another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddSymmetricOuterProduct(T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Updates a symmetric matrix with the scaled outer product of a vector and its transpose.
AddSymmetricOuterProduct(T, Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Updates a symmetric matrix with the scaled outer product of a vector and a transposed vector.
AggregateColumns<U>(Aggregator<T, U>) Applies the specified aggregator to all the columns in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateColumns<U>(AggregatorGroup<U>) Applies the specified aggregator to all the columns in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateColumns<U>(AggregatorGroup<U>[]) Applies the specified aggregators to all the columns in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateColumns<U>(Func<Vector<T>, U>) Applies the specified aggregators to all the columns in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateColumnsBy<U>(IGrouping, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new matrix that aggregates the columns according to the specified grouping.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateColumnsBy<K, U>(IList<K>, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new matrix that aggregates the columns grouped by the specified vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateColumnsListwise<U> Applies the specified aggregator to all the columns in the matrix, treating rows that contain any missing values as completely missing.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRows<U>(Aggregator<T, U>) Applies the specified aggregator to all the rows in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRows<U>(AggregatorGroup<U>) Applies the specified aggregator to all the rows in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRows<U>(AggregatorGroup<U>[]) Applies the specified aggregators to all the rows in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRows<U>(Func<Vector<T>, U>) Applies the specified aggregators to all the rows in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRowsBy<U>(IGrouping, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new matrix that aggregates the rows according to the specified grouping.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRowsBy<C, U>(C, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new matrix that aggregates the rows grouped by the specified row.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRowsBy<K, U>(IList<K>, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new matrix that aggregates the rows grouped by the specified vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRowsBy<R, U>(R, Func<Vector<T>, U>) Applies the specified aggregation function to the values in each row grouped by the specified grouping row.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ApplyMatrixFunction Computes a matrix function.
AsDenseMatrix Returns this matrix as a dense matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AsHermitianMatrix() Returns a matrix as a HermitianMatrix<T>, or null if the matrix is not hermitian.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AsHermitianMatrix(MatrixTriangle) Returns a HermitianMatrix<T> extracted from a part of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AsinhInPlace Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AsinInPlace Computes the inverse sine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AsSymmetricMatrix() Returns a matrix as a SymmetricMatrix<T>, or null if the matrix is not symmetrical.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AsSymmetricMatrix(MatrixTriangle) Returns a SymmetricMatrix<T> extracted from a part of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AtanhInPlace Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AtanInPlace Computes the inverse tangent of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
CeilingInPlace Computes the smallest integer greater than or equal to the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Clone() Constructs a deep copy of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Clone(CloningMethod) Makes a copy of this vector using the specified method.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
CloneData Gives this instance its own copy of its elements.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.CloneData())
CloneShape Creates a new matrix that has the same number of rows and columns and optionally preserves the writable structure.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ComponentwiseDivide(Matrix<T>) Divides the elements of this instance by the corresponding elements of another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ComponentwiseMultiply Multiplies the elements of this instance by the corresponding elements of another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Conjugate Returns the transpose of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ConjugateInPlace Conjugates all elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ConjugateTranspose Returns the transpose of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
CopyTo(Matrix<T>) Copies the elements of this matrix to another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
CopyTo(Array2D<T>, TransposeOperation) Copies the elements of this matrix to another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
CopyTo(Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation) Copies the elements of this matrix to another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
CopyToOrClone Copies the elements of this vector to another matrix, if it exists; otherwise clones the matrix using the specified method.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
CoshInPlace Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
CosInPlace Computes the cosine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Dispose() Releases unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
DivideInPlace Divides a matrix in-place by a scalar.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ElementwiseDivideInPlace Divides this matrix in-place element-wise by another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ElementwiseMultiplyInPlace Multiplies the elements of this instance by the corresponding elements of another matrix.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.ElementwiseMultiplyInPlace(Matrix<T>))
ElementwisePowInPlace(Int32) Raises the elements of a matrix in-place to a constant power.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ElementwisePowInPlace(T) Raises the elements of a matrix in-place to a constant power.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ElementwisePowInPlace(Matrix<T>) Raises this matrix in-place element-wise by another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ElementwisePowInPlace(Matrix<Int32>) Raises this matrix in-place element-wise by another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ElementwisePowInPlace(Vector<T>, Dimension) Raises this matrix in-place element-wise by a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
EnsureWritable() Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
EnsureWritable(Int32, Int32) Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
EnsureWritable(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Equals(Matrix<T>) Determines whether the specified Matrix<T> is equal to the current Matrix<T>.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Matrix<T>.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Equals(Object, IEqualityComparer) Returns whether an object is structurally equal to this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
EstimateConditionNumber Calculates an estimate for the condition number of the symmetric matrix.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.EstimateConditionNumber())
ExpInPlace Computes the exponential of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FillMissingValuesInPlace(T) Replaces all missing values in a matrix with the specified value in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FillMissingValuesInPlace(DimensionType, Direction) Replaces all missing values in each row or column in-place with the previous or next non-missing value.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FillMissingValuesInPlace(Vector<T>, DimensionType) Replaces all missing values in each row or column of a matrix in-place with the corresponding value from a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FillMissingValuesInto(T, Matrix<T>) Replaces all missing values in a matrix with the specified value.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FillMissingValuesInto(Vector<T>, DimensionType, Matrix<T>) Replaces all missing values in each row or column with the corresponding value from a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FillMissingValuesInto(DimensionType, Direction, Matrix<T>, Int32) Replaces all missing values in each row or column with the previous or next non-missing value.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FloorInPlace Computes the largest integer less than or equal to the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FrobeniusNorm Returns the Frobenius norm of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FromOuterProduct(Matrix<T>) Constructs a new symmetric matrix by multiplying a matrix on the left by its transpose.
FromOuterProduct(Matrix<T>, MatrixOperationSide) Constructs a new symmetric matrix by multiplying a matrix by its transpose.
FromOuterProduct(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, MatrixOperationSide) Constructs a new symmetric matrix by multiplying a matrix on the left and the right by another matrix and its transpose.
Get<R, C> Gets the value with the specified key.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetCholeskyDecomposition() Returns the Cholesky decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetCholeskyDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the Cholesky decomposition of the matrix.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.GetCholeskyDecomposition(Boolean))
GetColumn(Int32) Returns a column vector for this instance that points at the specified column.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumn(Int32, Intent) Returns a column vector for this instance that points at the specified column.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumn(Int32, Range) Returns a column vector for this instance starting at the specified column and row and of the specified length.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumn(Int32, Int32, Int32) Returns a column vector for this instance starting at the specified column and row and of the specified length.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumn(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Returns a column vector for this instance starting at the specified column and row and of the specified length.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumn(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Intent) Returns a column vector for this instance starting at the specified column and row and of the specified length.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumn<C>(C) Gets the column with the specified column key.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumnEnumerator Returns an enumerator that allows you to iterate over the columns of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumns(IEnumerable<Int32>) Returns a new matrix that contains only the columns in the specified sequence.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumns(Int32, Int32) Returns a matrix that contains only the specified columns of the current matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumns<C>(IEnumerable<C>) Returns a new matrix that contains only the columns in the specified sequence.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumnSums Returns the sums of the elements of each column of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetConditionNumber Calculates the condition number of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetDeterminant Calculates the determinant of the symmetric matrix underlying this system of equations.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.GetDeterminant())
GetDiagonal() Gets a vector view of the diagonal elements of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetDiagonal(Int32) Gets a vector view of the specified diagonal of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetDiagonal(Int32, Intent) Gets a vector view of the specified diagonal of this instance.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.GetDiagonal(Int32, Intent))
GetEigenvalueDecomposition() Returns the eigenvalue decomposition for this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetEigenvalueDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the eigenvalue decomposition for this matrix.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.GetEigenvalueDecomposition(Boolean))
GetEigenvalueDecomposition(Matrix<T>) Returns the generalized eigenvalue decomposition for this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetEigenvalueDecomposition(Matrix<T>, Boolean) Returns the generalized eigenvalue decomposition for this matrix.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.GetEigenvalueDecomposition(Matrix<T>, Boolean))
GetEigenvalues Gets a vector containing the eigenvalues of the matrix.
GetExponential Computes the matrix exponential of a square matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetHashCode() Returns the hash code for this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer) Returns a hash code for this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetHermitianIndefiniteDecomposition() Returns the Hermitian indefinite (Bunch-Kaufman) decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetHermitianIndefiniteDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the Hermitian indefinite (Bunch-Kaufman) decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetInverse() Calculates the inverse matrix..
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
GetInverse(Boolean) Calculates the inverse matrix.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.GetInverse(Boolean))
GetLQDecomposition() Returns the LQ decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetLQDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the LQ decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetLUDecomposition() Returns the LU decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetLUDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the LU decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetNearestColumn<C> Gets the column nearest to the specified column key.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetNearestColumns<C> Returns a new matrix that contains only the columns in the specified sequence.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetNearestRow<R> Gets the row nearest to the specified row key.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetNearestRows<R> Returns a new matrix that contains only the rows in the specified sequence.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetObjectData Populates a SerializationInfo with the values needed to serialize the target object.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext))
GetParallelColumnEnumerator Returns a partitioner that allows you to iterate over the rows of this instance in parallel.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetParallelRowEnumerator Returns a partitioner that allows you to iterate over the rows of this instance in parallel.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetPseudoInverse Calculates the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetQLDecomposition() Returns the QL decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetQLDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the QL decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetQRDecomposition() Returns the QR decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetQRDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the QR decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow(Int32) Returns a row vector for this instance that points at the specified row.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow(Int32, Intent) Returns a row vector for this instance that points at the specified row.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow(Int32, Range) Returns a row vector for this instance starting at the specified row and column and of the specified length.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow(Int32, Int32, Int32) Returns a row vector for this instance over the specified range.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow(Int32, Int32, Int32, Intent) Returns a row vector for this instance over the specified range.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Returns a row vector for this instance starting at the specified row and column and of the specified length.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Intent) Returns a row vector for this instance starting at the specified row and column and of the specified length.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow<R>(R) Gets the row with the specified row key.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRowEnumerator Returns an enumerator that allows you to iterate over the rows of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRows(Subset) Returns a matrix containing only the rows in the specified subset.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRows(Int32, Int32) Returns a matrix that contains only the specified rows of the current matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRows<R>(IEnumerable<R>) Returns a new matrix that contains only the rows in the specified sequence.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRowSums Returns the sums of the elements of each row of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRQDecomposition() Returns the RQ decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRQDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the RQ decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSingularValueDecomposition() Returns the singular value decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSingularValueDecomposition(Matrix<T>) Returns the generalized singular value decomposition of the matrix and another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSingularValueDecomposition(SingularValueDecompositionFactors) Returns the singular value decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSingularValueDecomposition(Matrix<T>, GeneralizedSingularValueDecompositionFactors) Returns the generalized singular value decomposition of the matrix and another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSingularValueDecomposition(SingularValueDecompositionFactors, Boolean) Returns the singular value decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSingularValueDecomposition(Matrix<T>, GeneralizedSingularValueDecompositionFactors, Boolean) Returns the generalized singular value decomposition of the matrix and another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSingularValues Gets a vector containing the singular values of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSubmatrix(Range, Range) Returns a sub-matrix of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSubmatrix(Range, Range, TransposeOperation) Returns a sub-matrix of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSubmatrix(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Returns a sub-matrix of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSubmatrix(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, TransposeOperation, Intent) Returns a sub-matrix of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSymmetricIndefiniteDecomposition() Returns the symmetric indefinite (Bunch-Kaufman) decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSymmetricIndefiniteDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the Cholesky decomposition of the matrix.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.GetSymmetricIndefiniteDecomposition(Boolean))
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
GetValue(Int32, Int32) Gets the matrix component at the specified position.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.GetValue(Int32, Int32))
GetValue<R, C>(R, C) Gets the value at the specified row and column keys.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetValues Infrastructure.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
InfinityNorm Returns the infinity norm of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
IsComponentWritable Returns a value that indicates whether the value of the element at the specified row and column can be changed.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
IsElementWritable Gets a value indicating whether the value of the component at the specified row and column can be changed.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.IsElementWritable(Int32, Int32))
IsMissing Returns whether the value at the specified index is missing.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
IsSingular Gets a value indicating whether the symmetric matrix is singular.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.IsSingular())
LeastSquaresSolve(Matrix<T>) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side matrix in the least squares sense.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
LeastSquaresSolve(Vector<T>) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
LeastSquaresSolve(DenseMatrix<T>, Boolean) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense matrix in the least squares sense and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
LeastSquaresSolve(DenseVector<T>, Boolean) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense vector in the least squares sense and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
LeastSquaresSolveInto(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and multiple right-hand sides in the least squares sense.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
LeastSquaresSolveInto(Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and the specified right-hand side in the least squares sense.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Log10InPlace Computes the logarithm of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
LogInPlace() Computes the logarithm of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
LogInPlace(T) Computes the logarithm of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapColumns<U> Applies a vector function to each column in a matrix and returns the result as a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapColumnsInPlace Applies a function to each column in a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapColumnsInto<U> Applies a vector function to each column in a matrix and returns the result as a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapInPlace(Func<T, T>) Applies a function in-place to the elements of a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapInPlace<U>(Func<U, T, T>, Matrix<U>) Applies a function in-place to the elements of a matrix as the second argument.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapInPlace<U>(Func<T, U, T>, Matrix<U>) Applies a function to the elements of a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapInto<U> Applies a function to the elements of a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapRows<U> Applies a vector function to each row in a matrix and returns the result as a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapRowsInPlace Applies a function to each column in a matrix and returns the result as a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapRowsInto<U> Applies a vector function to each row in a matrix and returns the result as a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Max Returns the value of the largest element in this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Min Returns the value of the smallest element in this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Multiply(Matrix<T>)Applies the linear operator to a matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Multiply(Vector<T>)Applies the linear operator to a vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Multiply(TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>) Multiplies a matrix on the left by this matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Multiply(TransposeOperation, Vector<T>) Multiplies a vector on the left by this vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Multiply(MatrixOperationSide, TransposeOperation, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>) Multiplies this matrix by another matrix and returns the result.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MultiplyInPlace Multiplies this matrix by a scalar factor.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.MultiplyInPlace(T))
MultiplySymmetric Computes the symmetric product of a vector and this matrix.
MultiplyTranspose(Matrix<T>)Applies the transpose of the linear operator to a matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
MultiplyTranspose(Vector<T>)Applies the (conjugate) transpose of the linear operator to a vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
NegateInPlace Negates a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
OneNorm Returns the 1-norm of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
PermuteColumnsInPlace Permutes the columns of the matrix using the specified Permutation.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
PermuteRowsAndColumnsInPlace(Permutation) Permutes the rows and columns of the matrix using the specified Permutation.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.PermuteRowsAndColumnsInPlace(Permutation))
PermuteRowsAndColumnsInPlace(Permutation, Permutation) Permutes the rows and columns of the matrix using the specified row and column Permutation.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
PermuteRowsInPlace Permutes the rows of the matrix using the specified Permutation.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Protect Returns a read-only copy of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ProtectInPlace Protects the matrix from changes.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Rank() Returns the numerical rank of a matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Rank(T) Returns the numerical rank of a matrix using the specified tolerance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Reduce<U> Applies a function to each row or column in a matrix and returns the result as a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ReduceColumns<U> Applies a function to each column in a matrix and returns the result as a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ReduceColumnsInto<U> Applies a function to each column in a matrix and returns the result as a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ReduceRows<U> Applies a function to each row in a matrix and returns the result as a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ReduceRowsInto<U> Applies a function to each row in a matrix and returns the result as a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
RemoveWithMissingValues Returns a new matrix that has the rows or columns that contain missing values removed.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Reshape Returns a matrix that contains the same elements listed columnwise.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ReshapeAsVector Returns a vector that contains the columnwise matrix elements.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ScaleColumns Scales the columns of the matrix by the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ScaleColumnsInPlace Scales the columns of the matrix by the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ScaleRows Scales the rows of the matrix by the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ScaleRowsAndColumnsInPlace Scales the rows and columns of the matrix by the values specified by a vector.
ScaleRowsInPlace Scales the rows of the matrix by the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SetToZero Sets all elements of the matrix to zero.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SetValue(T) Sets all elements of the matrix to the specified value.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SetValue(T, Int32, Int32) Sets the matrix component at the specified position to the specified value.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.SetValue(T, Int32, Int32))
SetValue<R, C>(T, R, C) Sets the value at the specified row and column key value.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ShallowCopy Makes a shallow copy of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SinhInPlace Computes the hyperbolic sine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SinInPlace Computes the sine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Solve(Matrix<T>) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Solve(Vector<T>) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Solve(DenseMatrix<T>, Boolean) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense matrix and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Solve(DenseVector<T>, Boolean) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense vector and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveInto(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and multiple right-hand sides.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveInto(Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and the specified right-hand side.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveInto(TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and multiple right-hand sides.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.SolveInto(TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>))
SolveInto(TransposeOperation, Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and the specified right-hand side.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.SolveInto(TransposeOperation, Vector<T>, Vector<T>))
SolveTranspose(Matrix<T>) Solves the transposed system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveTranspose(Vector<T>) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveTranspose(DenseMatrix<T>, Boolean) Solves the transposed system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense matrix and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveTranspose(DenseVector<T>, Boolean) Solves the transposed system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense vector and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveTransposeInto(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and multiple right-hand sides.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveTransposeInto(Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and the specified right-hand side.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SortColumns() Sorts each column of the matrix in ascending order.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SortColumns(SortOrder) Sorts each column of the matrix in the specified order.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SortRows() Sorts each row of the matrix in ascending order.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SortRows(SortOrder) Sorts each row of the matrix in the specified order.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SqrtInPlace Computes the square root of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SubtractInPlace(T) Subtracts a scalar value from the elements of this matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SubtractInPlace(Matrix<T>) Subtracts another matrix from this matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SubtractInPlace(Vector<T>, Dimension) Subtracts a vector broadcast along the specified dimension from this matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SubtractOuterProduct(Matrix<T>) Updates a symmetric matrix by subtracting the product of a matrix and its transpose.
SubtractOuterProduct(Vector<T>) Updates a symmetric matrix with the outer product of a vector and its transpose.
Sum Returns the sum of the elements of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Summarize() Returns a summary of the contents of the matrix using the default summary options.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Summarize(SummaryOptions) Returns a summary of the contents of the matrix using the specified options.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SwapColumns Swaps the columns with the specified indices.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SwapRows Swaps the rows with the specified indices.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SwapRowsAndColumns Swaps the elements in the specified rows and columns.
TanhInPlace Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
TanInPlace Computes the tangent of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToArray() Gets the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToArray(MatrixElementOrder) Gets the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToDataFrame<R, C>() Converts a matrix to a data frame with the same row and column indexes.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToDataFrame<R, C>(Index<R>, Index<C>) Converts a matrix to a data frame with the same row and column indexes.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToDenseMatrix Makes a copy of this instance and returns it as a dense matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToHermitianMatrix Returns a new HermitianMatrix<T> extracted from a part of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToString()Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToString(String) Returns a String representation of this Matrix<T>.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToString(String, IFormatProvider) Returns a String representation of this Matrix<T>.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToSymmetricMatrix Returns a new SymmetricMatrix<T> extracted from a part of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Trace Gets the sum of the diagonal elements of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Transpose Returns the transpose of this instance.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.Transpose())
TryEnsureWritable() Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
TryEnsureWritable(Int32, Int32) Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
TryEnsureWritable(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
TwoNorm Returns the two-norm of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
UnscaleColumns Unscales the columns of the matrix by the reciprocal of the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
UnscaleColumnsInPlace Unscales the columns of the matrix by the reciprocal of the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
UnscaleRows Unscales the rows of the matrix by the reciprocal of the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
UnscaleRowsAndColumnsInPlace Scales the rows and columns of the matrix by the values specified by a vector.
UnscaleRowsInPlace Unscales the rows of the matrix by the reciprocal of the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)

Extension Methods

Abs<T> Computes the absolute value of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Acos<T> Computes the inverse cosine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Acosh<T> Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
AddScaledProduct<T> Adds the scaled product of two matrices to another matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
AddScaledProduct<T> Adds the scaled product of two matrices to another matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Asin<T> Computes the inverse sine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Asinh<T> Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Atan<T> Computes the inverse tangent of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Atanh<T> Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Ceiling<T> Computes the smallest integer greater than or equal to the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
ColumnMeans<T> Returns a vector containing the means of the columns of a matrix.
(Defined by Stats)
Conjugate<T> Returns the conjugate of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
ConjugateInto<T> Conjugates the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Cos<T> Computes the cosine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Cosh<T> Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
CovarianceMatrix<T> Returns the covariance matrix for the columns in a matrix.
(Defined by Stats)
Exp<T> Computes the exponential of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Floor<T> Computes the largest integer less than or equal to the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Log<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the logarithms of the elements of another matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Log10<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the base 10 logarithms of the elements of another matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
MakeDistributed<T> Returns a distributed version of a matrix.
(Defined by DistributedExtensions)
Max<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the maximums of the components of two vectors.
(Defined by Matrix)
Max<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the maximum of the components of a matrix and a real number.
(Defined by Matrix)
MaxInto<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the maximums of the components of two vectors.
(Defined by Matrix)
MaxInto<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the maximum of the components of a matrix and a real number.
(Defined by Matrix)
Min<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the minimums of the components of two vectors.
(Defined by Matrix)
Min<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the minimum of the components of a matrix and a real number.
(Defined by Matrix)
MinInto<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the minimums of the components of two vectors.
(Defined by Matrix)
MinInto<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the minimum of the components of a matrix and a real number.
(Defined by Matrix)
Reciprocal<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the inverses (reciprocals) of the components of another matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
ReciprocalInto<T> Computes the inverses (reciprocals) of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
RowMeans<T> Returns a vector containing the means of the rows of a matrix.
(Defined by Stats)
Sin<T> Computes the sine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Sinh<T> Computes the hyperbolic sine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Sqrt<T> Computes the square root of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Tan<T> Computes the tangent of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Tanh<T> Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
ToJson<T> Returns a string containing a matrix in JSON format.
(Defined by JsonFile)

See Also