Linear Curve Fitting in IronPython QuickStart Sample

Illustrates how to fit linear combinations of curves to data using the LinearCurveFitter class and other classes in the Numerics.NET.Curves namespace in IronPython.

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import numerics

from System import Array
from System import Func

# The curve fitting classes reside in the 
# Extreme.Mathematics.Curves namespace.
from Extreme.Mathematics import *
from Extreme.Mathematics.Curves import *

# Illustrates least squares curve fitting of polynomials and
# other linear functions using the LinearCurveFitter class in the 
# Extreme.Mathematics.Curves namespace of the Extreme
# Optimization Numerical Libraries for .NET.

# This QuickStart sample illustrates linear least squares
# curve fitting using polynomials and linear combinations
# of arbitrary functions.

# Linear least squares fits are calculated using the
# LinearCurveFitter class:
fitter = LinearCurveFitter()

# We use data from the National Institute for Standards 
# and Technology's Statistical Reference Datasets library 
# at

# Note that, due to round-off error, the results here will not be exactly
# the same as the NIST results, which were calculated using 500 digits
# of precision!

# We use the 'Pontius' dataset, which contains measurement data
# from the calibration of load cells. The independent variable is the load.
# The dependent variable is the deflection.
deflectionData = Vector([ .11019, .21956, .32949, .43899, .54803, .65694, \
    .76562, .87487, .98292, 1.09146, 1.20001, 1.30822, 1.41599, 1.52399, \
    1.63194, 1.73947, 1.84646, 1.95392, 2.06128, 2.16844, .11052, .22018, \
    .32939, .43886, .54798, .65739, .76596, .87474, .98300, 1.09150, \
    1.20004, 1.30818, 1.41613, 1.52408, 1.63159, 1.73965, 1.84696, \
    1.95445, 2.06177, 2.16829 ])
loadData =Vector([ 150, 300, 450, 600, 750, 900, 1050, 1200, 1350, 1500, \
    1650, 1800, 1950, 2100, 2250, 2400, 2550, 2700, 2850, 3000, 150, 300, \
    450, 600, 750, 900, 1050, 1200, 1350, 1500, 1650, 1800, 1950, 2100, \
    2250, 2400, 2550, 2700, 2850, 3000 ])

# You must supply the curve whose parameters will be
# fit to the data. The curve must inherit from LinearCombination.
# Here, we use a quadratic polynomial:
fitter.Curve = Polynomial(2)

# The X values go into the XValues property:
fitter.XValues = loadData
# ...and Y values go into the YValues property:
fitter.YValues = deflectionData

# The Fit method performs the actual calculation:

# A Vector containing the parameters of the best fit
# can be obtained through the
# BestFitParameters property.
solution = fitter.BestFitParameters
# The standard deviations associated with each parameter
# are available through the GetStandardDeviations method.
s = fitter.GetStandardDeviations()

print "Calibration of load cells"
print "    deflection = c1 + c2*load + c3*load^2 "
print "Solution:"
print "c1: {0:20.10e} {1:20.10e}".format(solution[0], s[0])
print "c2: {0:20.10e} {1:20.10e}".format(solution[1], s[1])
print "c3: {0:20.10e} {1:20.10e}".format(solution[2], s[2])

print "Residual sum of squares:", fitter.Residuals.Norm()

# Now let's redo the same operation, but with observations weighted
# by 1/Y^2. To do this, we set the WeightFunction property.
# The WeightFunctions class defines a set of ready-to-use weight functions.
fitter.WeightFunction = WeightFunctions.OneOverYSquared
# Refit the curve:
solution = fitter.BestFitParameters
s = fitter.GetStandardDeviations()

# The solution is slightly different:
print "Solution (weighted observations):"
print "c1: {0:20.10e} {1:20.10e}".format(solution[0], s[0])
print "c2: {0:20.10e} {1:20.10e}".format(solution[1], s[1])
print "c3: {0:20.10e} {1:20.10e}".format(solution[2], s[2])

# Fitting combinations of arbitrary functions

# The following example estimates the two parameters, c1 and c2
# in the theoretical model for conductance:
#     k(T) = 1 / (c1 / T + c2 * T*T)

temperature = Vector([ 12.2900, 13.7500, 14.8200, 16.1200, 18.0400, 18.6700, \
    20.5200, 22.6800, 25.1500, 27.7200, 30.2400, 33.2100, 36.4800, 39.8600, 50.4000 ])
conductance = Vector([ 25.3500, 27.8800, 29.9300, 30.4200, 31.0000, 31.9600, \
    32.4700, 30.3300, 31.1400, 27.4600, 23.2900, 20.7200, 17.2400, 14.7100,  9.5000 ])

# First, we transform the dependent variable:
y = Vector.Reciprocal(conductance)

# y is a linear combination of basis functions 1/T and T*T.
# Create a function basis object:
basisFunctions = Array[Func[float,float]]([ lambda x: 1 / x, lambda x: x**2 ])
basis = GeneralFunctionBasis(basisFunctions)
# Create a LinearCombination curve using this function basis:
curve = LinearCombination(basis)

# Set the curve fitter properties:
fitter.Curve = curve
fitter.XValues = temperature
fitter.YValues = y
# Reset the weights
fitter.WeightFunction = None
fitter.WeightVector = None

# Now compute the solution:
solution = fitter.BestFitParameters
s = fitter.GetStandardDeviations()

# Print the results
print "Conductance of copper: k(T) = 1 / (c1/T + c2*T^2)"
print "Solution:"
print "c1: {0:20.10e} {1:20.10e}".format(solution[0], s[0])
print "c2: {0:20.10e} {1:20.10e}".format(solution[1], s[1])

print "Residual sum of squares:", fitter.Residuals.Norm()