Structured Linear Equations in Visual Basic QuickStart Sample

Illustrates how to solve systems of simultaneous linear equations that have special structure in Visual Basic.

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Option Infer On

' The structured matrix classes reside in the 
' Numerics.NET.LinearAlgebra namespace.
Imports Numerics.NET
Imports Numerics.NET.LinearAlgebra

    ' Illustrates solving symmetrical and triangular systems 
    ' of simultaneous linear equations using classes 
    ' in the Numerics.NET.LinearAlgebra namespace of Numerics.NET.
    Module StructuredLinearEquations

        Sub Main()
        ' The license is verified at runtime. We're using
        ' a 30 day trial key here. For more information, see

        ' To learn more about solving general systems of
        ' simultaneous linear equations, see the
        ' LinearEquations QuickStart Sample.
        ' The methods and classes available for solving
        ' structured systems of equations are similar
        ' to those for general equations.

        ' Triangular systems and matrices

        Console.WriteLine("Triangular matrices:")
        ' For the basics of working with triangular 
        ' matrices, see the TriangularMatrices QuickStart
        ' Sample.
        ' Let's start with a triangular matrix. Remember
        ' that elements are stored in column-major order
        ' by default.
        Dim t = Matrix.CreateUpperTriangular(
                4, 4, New Double() _
                   {1, 0, 0, 0,
                    1, 2, 0, 0,
                    1, 4, 1, 0,
                    1, 3, 1, 2}, MatrixElementOrder.ColumnMajor)
        Dim b1 = Vector.Create(New Double() {1, 3, 6, 3})
        Dim b2 = Matrix.CreateFromArray(4, 2, New Double() _
                {1, 3, 6, 3,
                 2, 3, 5, 8}, MatrixElementOrder.ColumnMajor)
        Console.WriteLine($"t = {t:F4}")

        ' The Solve method

        ' The following solves m x = b1. The second 
        ' parameter specifies whether to overwrite the
        ' right-hand side with the result.
        Dim x1 = t.Solve(b1, False)
        Console.WriteLine($"x1 = {x1:F4}")
        ' If the overwrite parameter is omitted, the
        ' right-hand-side is overwritten with the solution:
        Console.WriteLine($"b1 = {b1:F4}")
        ' You can solve for multiple right hand side 
        ' vectors by passing them in a DenseMatrix:
        Dim x2 = t.Solve(b2, False)
        Console.WriteLine($"x2 = {x2:F4}")

        ' Related Methods

        ' You can verify whether a matrix is singular
        ' using the IsSingular method:
        Console.WriteLine("IsSingular(t) = {0:F4}",
        ' The inverse matrix is returned by the GetInverse
        ' method:
        Console.WriteLine($"GetInverse(t) = {t.GetInverse():F4}")
        ' The determinant is also available:
        Console.WriteLine($"Det(t) = {t.GetDeterminant():F4}")
        ' The condition number is an estimate for the
        ' loss of precision in solving the equations
        Console.WriteLine($"Cond(t) = {t.EstimateConditionNumber():F4}")

        ' Symmetric systems and matrices

        Console.WriteLine("Symmetric matrices:")
        ' For the basics of working with symmetric 
        ' matrices, see the SymmetricMatrices QuickStart
        ' Sample.
        ' Let's start with a symmetric matrix. Remember
        ' that elements are stored in column-major order
        ' by default.
        Dim s = Matrix.CreateSymmetric(4, New Double() _
             {1, 0, 0, 0,
              1, 2, 0, 0,
              1, 1, 2, 0,
              1, 0, 1, 4}, MatrixTriangle.Upper, MatrixElementOrder.ColumnMajor)
        b1 = Vector.Create(New Double() {1, 3, 6, 3})
        Console.WriteLine($"s = {s:F4}")

        ' The Solve method

        ' The following solves m x = b1. The second 
        ' parameter specifies whether to overwrite the
        ' right-hand side with the result.
        x1 = s.Solve(b1, False)
        Console.WriteLine($"x1 = {x1:F4}")
        ' If the overwrite parameter is omitted, the
        ' right-hand-side is overwritten with the solution:
        Console.WriteLine($"b1 = {b1:F4}")
        ' You can solve for multiple right hand side 
        ' vectors by passing them in a DenseMatrix:
        x2 = s.Solve(b2, False)
        Console.WriteLine($"x2 = {x2:F4}")

        ' Related Methods

        ' You can verify whether a matrix is singular
        ' using the IsSingular method:
        Console.WriteLine("IsSingular(s) = {0}",
        ' The inverse matrix is returned by the GetInverse
        ' method:
        Console.WriteLine($"GetInverse(s) = {s.GetInverse():F4}")
        ' The determinant is also available:
        Console.WriteLine($"Det(s) = {s.GetDeterminant():F4}")
        ' The condition number is an estimate for the
        ' loss of precision in solving the equations
        Console.WriteLine($"Cond(s) = {s.EstimateConditionNumber():F4}")

        ' The CholeskyDecomposition class

        ' If the symmetric matrix is positive definite,
        ' you can use the CholeskyDecomposition class
        ' to optimize performance if multiple operations 
        ' need to be performed. This class does the
        ' bulk of the calculations only once. This
        ' decomposes the matrix into G x transpose(G)
        ' where G is a lower triangular matrix.
        ' If the matrix is indefinite, you need to use
        ' the LUDecomposition class instead. See the
        ' LinearEquations QuickStart Sample for details.
        Console.WriteLine("Using Cholesky Decomposition:")
        ' The constructor takes an optional second argument
        ' indicating whether to overwrite the original
        ' matrix with its decomposition:
        Dim cf = s.GetCholeskyDecomposition(False)
        ' The Factor method performs the actual
        ' factorization. It is called automatically
        ' if needed.
        ' All methods mentioned earlier are still available:
        x2 = cf.Solve(b2, False)
        Console.WriteLine($"x2 = {x2:F4}")
        Console.WriteLine("IsSingular(m) = {0}",
        Console.WriteLine($"Inverse(m) = {cf.GetInverse():F4}")
        Console.WriteLine($"Det(m) = {cf.GetDeterminant():F4}")
        Console.WriteLine($"Cond(m) = {cf.EstimateConditionNumber():F4}")
        ' In addition, you have access to the
        ' triangular matrix, G, of the composition.
        Console.WriteLine($"  G = {cf.LowerTriangularFactor:F4}")

        ' Note that if the matrix is indefinite,
        ' the factorization will fail and throw a
        ' MatrixNotPositiveDefiniteException.
        s(0, 0) = -99
        cf = s.GetCholeskyDecomposition()
        Catch e As MatrixNotPositiveDefiniteException
        End Try
        ' It is better to use the TryDecompose method,
        ' which returns true if the decomposition succeeded:
        If cf.TryDecompose() Then
            Console.WriteLine("The decomposition succeeded!")
            Console.WriteLine("The decomposition failed!")
        End If

        Console.Write("Press Enter key to exit...")
    End Sub

End Module