Random Number Generators in IronPython QuickStart Sample

Illustrates how to use specialized random number generator classes in the Numerics.NET.Statistics.Random namespace in IronPython.

View this sample in: C# Visual Basic F#

import numerics

from System import Array

from Extreme.Statistics.Random import *
from Extreme.Mathematics.LinearAlgebra import *

# Illustrates the use of the classes that implement
# pseudo-random number generators.

# This QuickStart Sample gives an overview of the pseudo-random
# number generators that provide an alternative for the
# System.Random class..

# ExtendedRandom class

# The ExtendedRandom class simply extends the functionality
# of the System.Random class:
extended = ExtendedRandom()
intValues = Array.CreateInstance(int, 100)
doubleValues = Array.CreateInstance(float, 100)

# The fill method fills an array of integers with random numbers
print "integer(99) =", intValues[99]

# Or, it can generate uniform real values:
print "double(99) =", doubleValues[99]

# All random number generators can also produce variates 
# from any user-specified probability distribution.
# The NonUniformRandomNumbers sample illustrates 
# how to do this.

# RANLUX Generators

# The RANLUX generators are available with three different 
# 'luxury levels.' Each level produces random numbers of 
# increasing quality at a performance cost.
# There are four constructors. The first constructor uses the
# default seed and the default (lowest) luxury level:
ranLux1 = RanLux()

# We can specify a seed value as well:
ranLux2 = RanLux(99)

# We can specify the luxury level in the constructor:
ranLux3 = RanLux(RanLuxLuxuryLevel.Better)

# Finally, we can specify both a seed and the luxury level:
ranLux4 = RanLux(99, RanLuxLuxuryLevel.Best)

# All methods of System.Random and ExtendedRandom are available:
print "Integer from RanLux(Best):", ranLux3.Next(100)

# Generalized Feedback Shift Register Generator

# This generator is implemented by the GfsrGenerator class.
# It has three constructors. A default constructor that uses
# a default seed value:
gfsr1 = GfsrGenerator()

# A constructor that takes a single integer seed:
gfsr2 = GfsrGenerator(99)

# And a constructor that takes an array of integers
# as its seed. The maximum size of this seed array
# is 2^14-1 = 16383.
gfsr3 = GfsrGenerator(Array[int]([ 99, 17, int.MaxValue ]))

# Once again, all standard methods are available.
print "Double from GFSR:", gfsr2.NextDouble()

# Mersenne Twister

# The Mersenne Twister is a variation on the GFSR generator and, # not surprisingly, also has three constructors:
mersenne1 = MersenneTwister()
mersenne2 = MersenneTwister(99)
mersenne3 = MersenneTwister(Array[int] ([ 99, 17, int.MaxValue ]))