ManagedLinearAlgebraOperationsOfSingle.HermitianRankUpdate Method


Namespace: Extreme.Mathematics.LinearAlgebra.Implementation
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics.SinglePrecision (in Extreme.Numerics.SinglePrecision.dll) Version: 8.1.4

Overload List

HermitianRankUpdate(MatrixTriangle, Int32, Single, ArraySlice<Complex<Single>>, Array2D<Complex<Single>>)

Performs a rank one update of a hermitian.
public override void HermitianRankUpdate(
	MatrixTriangle storedTriangle,
	int n,
	float alpha,
	ArraySlice<Complex<float>> x,
	Array2D<Complex<float>> a


storedTriangle  MatrixTriangle
Specifies whether the matrix is an upper or lower triangular matrix.
n  Int32
The number of rows and columns in the matrix a.
alpha  Single
The scalar used to multiply the outer product.
x  ArraySlice<Complex<Single>>
A reference to a one-dimensional array containing the elements of the vector x.
a  Array2D<Complex<Single>>
Reference to the first element in a one-dimensional array that contains the elements of the matrix.

HermitianRankUpdate(MatrixTriangle, Int32, Complex<Single>, ArraySlice<Complex<Single>>, ArraySlice<Complex<Single>>, Array2D<Complex<Single>>)

Performs a hermitian rank two update of a hermitian matrix.
public override void HermitianRankUpdate(
	MatrixTriangle storedTriangle,
	int n,
	Complex<float> alpha,
	ArraySlice<Complex<float>> x,
	ArraySlice<Complex<float>> y,
	Array2D<Complex<float>> a


storedTriangle  MatrixTriangle
Specifies whether the matrix is an upper or lower triangular matrix.
n  Int32
The number of rows and columns in the matrix a.
alpha  Complex<Single>
The scalar used to multiply the outer product.
x  ArraySlice<Complex<Single>>
A reference to a one-dimensional array containing the elements of the vector x.
y  ArraySlice<Complex<Single>>
A reference to a one-dimensional array containing the elements of the vector y.
a  Array2D<Complex<Single>>
Reference to the first element in a one-dimensional array that contains the elements of the matrix.


ILinearAlgebraOperations<T>.HermitianRankUpdate(MatrixTriangle, Int32, T, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>, Array2D<T>)

HermitianRankUpdate(MatrixTriangle, TransposeOperation, Int32, Int32, Single, Array2D<Complex<Single>>, Single, Array2D<Complex<Single>>)

Performs a rank k update of a hermitian matrix.
public override void HermitianRankUpdate(
	MatrixTriangle triangle,
	TransposeOperation trans,
	int n,
	int k,
	float alpha,
	Array2D<Complex<float>> a,
	float beta,
	Array2D<Complex<float>> c


triangle  MatrixTriangle
Specifies whether the elements of the matrix a are stored in the upper or lower triangular part.
trans  TransposeOperation
Specifies the operation to be performed on the matrix a.
n  Int32
The number of rows and columns in the matrix c.
k  Int32
The number of columns in the matrix a transformed as specified by trans.
alpha  Single
The scalar used to multiply the matrix-matrix product.
a  Array2D<Complex<Single>>
Reference to the first element in a one-dimensional array that contains the elements of the first matrix.
beta  Single
The scalar used to multiply c.
c  Array2D<Complex<Single>>
Reference to the first element in a one-dimensional array that contains the elements of the third matrix.

HermitianRankUpdate(MatrixTriangle, TransposeOperation, Int32, Int32, Complex<Single>, Array2D<Complex<Single>>, Array2D<Complex<Single>>, Single, Array2D<Complex<Single>>)

Performs a rank 2k update of a hermitian matrix.
public override void HermitianRankUpdate(
	MatrixTriangle triangle,
	TransposeOperation trans,
	int n,
	int k,
	Complex<float> alpha,
	Array2D<Complex<float>> a,
	Array2D<Complex<float>> b,
	float beta,
	Array2D<Complex<float>> c


triangle  MatrixTriangle
Specifies whether the elements of the matrix a are stored in the upper or lower triangular part.
trans  TransposeOperation
Specifies the operation to be performed on the matrix a.
n  Int32
The number of rows and columns in the matrix c.
k  Int32
The number of columns in the matrix a transformed as specified by trans.
alpha  Complex<Single>
The scalar used to multiply the matrix-matrix product.
a  Array2D<Complex<Single>>
Reference to the first element in a one-dimensional array that contains the elements of the first matrix.
b  Array2D<Complex<Single>>
Reference to the first element in a one-dimensional array that contains the elements of the second matrix.
beta  Single
The scalar used to multiply c.
c  Array2D<Complex<Single>>
Reference to the first element in a one-dimensional array that contains the elements of the third matrix.

See Also