Aggregators Properties


Correlation Gets an aggregator that computes the standard deviation.
Count Gets an aggregator that computes the number of non-missing values.
CountUnique Gets an aggregator that computes the number of non-missing values.
Covariance Gets an aggregator that computes the variance.
ExactMean Gets an aggregator that computes the mean. The result is returned as a value of the same type.
ExactStandardDeviation Gets an aggregator that computes the standard deviation. The result is returned as a value of the same type.
ExactSum Gets an aggregator that computes the sum. The result is returned as a value of the same type.
ExactVariance Gets an aggregator that computes the variance. The result is returned as a value of the same type.
First Gets an aggregator that returns the first non-missing value.
FirstQuartile Gets an aggregator that computes the first quartile.
Kurtosis Gets an aggregator that computes the kurtosis.
Last Gets an aggregator that returns the last non-missing value.
Max Gets an aggregator that computes the largest value.
MaxIndex Gets an aggregator that computes the index of the largest value.
Mean Gets an aggregator that computes the mean.
Median Gets an aggregator that computes the median.
Min Gets an aggregator that computes the smallest value.
MinIndex Gets an aggregator that computes the index of the smallest value.
Mode Gets an aggregator that computes the number of non-missing values.
Range Gets an aggregator that computes the largest value.
Skewness Gets an aggregator that computes the skewness.
StandardDeviation Gets an aggregator that computes the standard deviation.
Sum Gets an aggregator that computes the sum and returns the result as a Double.
ThirdQuartile Gets an aggregator that computes the third quartile.
Variance Gets an aggregator that computes the variance.
WeightedMean Gets an aggregator that computes the mean of a sequence weighted by another sequence.
WeightedStandardDeviation Gets an aggregator that computes the standard deviation of a sequence weighted by another sequence.
WeightedVariance Gets an aggregator that computes the variance of a sequence weighted by another sequence.

See Also