IAggregator2<T> Interface

Defines the methods and properties shared by all aggregators that return a specific type.


Namespace: Extreme.DataAnalysis
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23
public interface IAggregator2<T> : IAggregator2

Type Parameters

The type of the result of the aggregation.


EmptyGroupsHaveValue Gets whether the aggregator produces a value for empty groups.
(Inherited from IAggregator2)


AggregateInto(IVector, IVector, IGrouping, IVector) Aggregates the elements of a data frame column according to the specified grouping and returns the result in an existing vector.
(Inherited from IAggregator2)
AggregateInto(IVector, IVector, IGrouping, Vector<T>) Aggregates the elements of a data frame column according to the specified grouping and returns the result in an existing vector.
TryAggregate(IVector, IVector, T) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
TryAggregate(IVector, IVector, Array1D<Int32>, Int32, T) Aggregates the specified elements of a vector and returns the result.
TryAggregate(IVector, IVector, Int32, Int32, T) Aggregates the specified range of elements of a vector and returns the result.

See Also