AbsoluteMax |
Gets an aggregator that computes the largest value.
AbsoluteMaxIndex |
Gets an aggregator that computes the index of the largest value.
AbsoluteMin |
Gets an aggregator that computes the smallest value.
AbsoluteMinIndex |
Gets an aggregator that computes the index of the smallest value.
Correlation |
Gets an aggregator that computes the correlation.
CorrelationAsDouble |
Gets an aggregator that computes the correlation.
CorrelationDistance |
Gets an aggregator that computes the correlation.
CosineDistance |
Gets an aggregator that computes the mean.
The result is returned as a value of the same type.
CosineSimilarity |
Gets an aggregator that computes the mean.
The result is returned as a value of the same type.
CosineSimilarityAsDouble |
Gets an aggregator that computes the correlation.
Count |
Gets an aggregator that computes the number of non-missing values.
CountUnique |
Gets an aggregator that computes the number of non-missing values.
Covariance |
Gets an aggregator that computes the covariance.
CovarianceAsDouble |
Gets an aggregator that computes the variance.
DotProduct |
Gets an aggregator that computes the dot product.
EuclideanDistance |
Gets an aggregator that computes the Euclidean distance.
EuclideanDistanceAsDouble |
Gets an aggregator that computes the Euclidean distance.
First |
Gets an aggregator that returns the first non-missing value.
FirstQuartile |
Gets an aggregator that computes the first quartile.
Kurtosis |
Gets an aggregator that computes the kurtosis.
Last |
Gets an aggregator that returns the last non-missing value.
LogSumExp |
Gets an aggregator that computes the product
and returns the result as a Double.
Max |
Gets an aggregator that computes the largest value.
MaxIndex |
Gets an aggregator that computes the index of the largest value.
Mean |
Gets an aggregator that computes the mean.
The result is returned as a value of the same type.
MeanAsDouble |
Gets an aggregator that computes the mean.
Median |
Gets an aggregator that computes the median.
Min |
Gets an aggregator that computes the smallest value.
MinIndex |
Gets an aggregator that computes the index of the smallest value.
Mode |
Gets an aggregator that computes the number of non-missing values.
OneNorm |
Gets an aggregator that computes the onenorm.
The result is returned as a value of the same type.
OneNormAsDouble |
Gets an aggregator that computes the onenorm
and returns the result as a Double.
Product |
Gets an aggregator that computes the product.
The result is returned as a value of the same type.
ProductAsDouble |
Gets an aggregator that computes the product
and returns the result as a Double.
Range |
Gets an aggregator that computes the largest value.
Skewness |
Gets an aggregator that computes the skewness.
StandardDeviation |
Gets an aggregator that computes the standard deviation.
The result is returned as a value of the same type.
StandardDeviationAsDouble |
Gets an aggregator that computes the standard deviation.
Sum |
Gets an aggregator that computes the sum.
The result is returned as a value of the same type.
SumAsDouble |
Gets an aggregator that computes the sum
and returns the result as a Double.
SumOfAbsoluteDifferences |
Gets an aggregator that computes the Sum of Absolute Differences (SAD).
SumOfSquares |
Gets an aggregator that computes the sum
and returns the result as a Double.
ThirdQuartile |
Gets an aggregator that computes the third quartile.
TwoNorm |
Gets an aggregator that computes the two-norm
and returns the result as a Double.
Variance |
Gets an aggregator that computes the variance.
The result is returned as a value of the same type.
VarianceAsDouble |
Gets an aggregator that computes the variance.
WeightedMean |
Gets an aggregator that computes the mean of a sequence weighted by another sequence.
WeightedMeanAsDouble |
Gets an aggregator that computes the mean of a sequence weighted by another sequence.
WeightedStandardDeviation |
Gets an aggregator that computes the standard deviation of a sequence weighted by another sequence.
WeightedStandardDeviationOfDouble |
Gets an aggregator that computes the standard deviation of a sequence weighted by another sequence.
WeightedVariance |
Gets an aggregator that computes the variance of a sequence weighted by another sequence.
WeightedVarianceOfDouble |
Gets an aggregator that computes the variance of a sequence weighted by another sequence.