IIndex Methods

This API is preliminary and subject to change.


CopyToCopies the elements of the ICollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
(Inherited from ICollection)
GetEnumeratorReturns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
(Inherited from IEnumerable)
GetSlice Returns a new index containing the specified slice of the current index.
JoinWith Returns the index that is the result of applying the specified join to this index and another index.
JoinWithNearest Returns the index that is the result of applying the specified join to this index and another index where lookups are to the nearest key in the specified direction.
Lookup Looks up the position of the specified key.
MakeVector Returns a categorical vector that uses the index as categories.
Permute Applies a permutation to the index and returns the result.
Sort Returns a permutation that can be used to sort the data in the vector in the specified order.

See Also