IIndex Methods
Copy | Copies the elements of the ICollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. (Inherited from ICollection) |
Get | Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. (Inherited from IEnumerable) |
Get | Returns a new index containing the specified slice of the current index. |
Join | Returns the index that is the result of applying the specified join to this index and another index. |
Join | Returns the index that is the result of applying the specified join to this index and another index where lookups are to the nearest key in the specified direction. |
Lookup | Looks up the position of the specified key. |
Make | Returns a categorical vector that uses the index as categories. |
Permute | Applies a permutation to the index and returns the result. |
Sort | Returns a permutation that can be used to sort the data in the vector in the specified order. |