Grouping.Window Method


Namespace: Extreme.DataAnalysis
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23

Overload List

Window(IIndex, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Int32) Constructs a grouping that represents a moving window of fixed length.
Window(Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Int32) Constructs a grouping that represents a moving window of fixed length.
Window<T>(Index<T>, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Int32) Constructs a grouping that represents a moving window of fixed length.

Window(IIndex, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Int32)

Constructs a grouping that represents a moving window of fixed length.
public static IGrouping Window(
	IIndex index,
	int size,
	int offset = -1,
	bool includePartialWindows = false,
	int minCount = 0


index  IIndex
The index the grouping is over.
size  Int32
The size of the window. Must be greater than zero.
offset  Int32  (Optional)
The offset from the start of the window of the key that is used to represent the group in the grouping's index.
includePartialWindows  Boolean  (Optional)
Indicates whether windows at the boundaries that are smaller than size should be evaluated. The default is false.
minCount  Int32  (Optional)
The minimum number of non-missing values in a window.

Return Value

A grouping object that represents the moving window.



index is null


size is less than or equal to zero.

Window<T>(Index<T>, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Int32)

Constructs a grouping that represents a moving window of fixed length.
public static Grouping<T> Window<T>(
	Index<T> index,
	int size,
	int offset = -1,
	bool includePartialWindows = false,
	int minCount = 0


index  Index<T>
The index the grouping is over.
size  Int32
The size of the window. Must be greater than zero.
offset  Int32  (Optional)
The offset from the start of the window of the key that is used to represent the group in the grouping's index.
includePartialWindows  Boolean  (Optional)
Indicates whether windows at the boundaries that are smaller than size should be evaluated. The default is false.
minCount  Int32  (Optional)
(Optional.) The minimum number of observations required for aggregations over a window to have a value. The default is 0.

Type Parameters


Return Value

A grouping object that represents the moving window.



index is null


size is less than or equal to zero.

Window(Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Int32)

Constructs a grouping that represents a moving window of fixed length.
public static Grouping<long> Window(
	int length,
	int size,
	int offset = -1,
	bool includePartialWindows = false,
	int minCount = 0


length  Int32
The total length of the data to group on.
size  Int32
The size of the window. Must be greater than zero.
offset  Int32  (Optional)
(Optional.) The offset from the start of the window of the key that is used to represent the group in the grouping's index. The default is -1, which indicates the last item in the interval.
includePartialWindows  Boolean  (Optional)
Indicates whether windows at the boundaries that are smaller than size should be evaluated.
minCount  Int32  (Optional)
(Optional.) The minimum number of observations required for aggregations over a window to have a value. The default is 0.

Return Value

A grouping object that represents the moving window.



size is less than or equal to zero.

See Also