Sparse Matrices in IronPython QuickStart Sample
Illustrates using sparse vectors and matrices using the classes in the Numerics.NET.LinearAlgebra.Sparse namespace in IronPython.
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```Python import numerics from System import Array from Extreme.Mathematics import * # The sparse vector and matrix classes reside in the # Extreme.Mathematics.LinearAlgebra namespace. from Extreme.Mathematics.LinearAlgebra import * # Illustrates using sparse vectors and matrices using the classes # in the Extreme.Mathematics.LinearAlgebra.Sparse namespace # of Numerics.NET. # # Sparse vectors # # The SparseVector class has three constructors. The # first simply takes the length of the vector. All components # are initially zero. v1 = Vector.CreateSparse(1000000) # The second constructor lets you specify how many components # are expected to be nonzero. This 'fill factor' is a number # between 0 and 1. v2 = Vector.CreateSparse(1000000, 1e-4) # The second constructor lets you specify how many components # are expected to be nonzero. This 'fill factor' is a number # between 0 and 1. v3 = Vector.CreateSparse(1000000, 100) # The fourth constructor lets you specify the indexes of the nonzero # components and their values as arrays: indexes = Array[int]([ 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 ]) values = Array[float]([ 1.0, 10.0, 100.0, 1000.0, 10000.0 ]) v4 = Vector.CreateSparse(1000000, indexes, values) # Components can be accessed individually: v1[1000] = 2.0 print "v1[1000] =", v1[1000] # The NonzeroCount returns how many components are non zero: print "v1 has", v1.NonzeroCount, "nonzeros" print "v4 has", v4.NonzeroCount, "nonzeros" # The NonzeroComponents property returns a collection of # IndexValuePair structures that you can use to iterate # over the components of the vector: print "Nonzero components of v4:" for pair in v4.NonzeroComponents: print "Component {0} = {1}".format(pair.Index, pair.Value) # All other vector methods and properties are also available, # Their implementations take advantage of sparsity. print "Norm(v4) =", v4.Norm() print "Sum(v4) =", v4.GetSum() # Note that some operations convert a sparse vector to a # DenseVector, causing memory to be allocated for all # components. # # Sparse Matrices # # All sparse matrix classes inherit from SparseMatrix. This is an abstract class. # There currently is only one implementation class: # SparseCompressedColumnMatrix. # Sparse matrices are created by calling the CreateSparse factory # method on the Matrix class. It has 4 overloads: # The first overload takes the number of rows and columns as arguments: m1 = Matrix.CreateSparse(100000, 100000) # The second overload adds a fill factor: m2 = Matrix.CreateSparse(100000, 100000, 1e-5) # The third overload uses the actual number of nonzero components rather than # the fraction: m3 = Matrix.CreateSparse(10000, 10000, 20000) # The fourth overload lets you specify the locations and values of the # nonzero components: rows = Array[int]([ 1, 11, 111, 1111 ]) columns = Array[int]([ 2, 22, 222, 2222 ]) matrixValues = Array[float]([ 3.0, 33.0, 333.0, 3333.0 ]) m4 = Matrix.CreateSparse(10000, 10000, rows, columns, matrixValues) # You can access components as before... print "m4[111, 222] =", m4[111, 222] m4[99, 22] = 99.0 # A series of Insert methods lets you build a sparse matrix from scratch: # A single value: m1.InsertEntry(25.0, 200, 500) # Multiple values: m1.InsertEntries(matrixValues, rows, columns) # Multiple values all in the same column: m1.InsertColumn(33, values, indexes) # Multiple values all in the same row: m1.InsertRow(55, values, indexes) # A clique is a 2-dimensional submatrix with indexed rows and columns. clique = Matrix([[11, 12], [21, 22]]) cliqueIndexes = Array[int]([ 5, 8 ]) m1.InsertClique(clique, cliqueIndexes, cliqueIndexes) # You can use the NonzeroComponents collection to iterate # over the nonzero components of the matrix. The items # are of type RowColumnValueTriplet: print "Nonzero components of m1:" for triplet in m1.NonzeroComponents: print "m1[{0},{1}] = {2}".format(triplet.Row, triplet.Column, triplet.Value) # ... including rows and columns. column = m4.GetColumn(22) print "Nonzero components in column 22 of m4:" for pair in column.NonzeroComponents: print "Component {0} = {1}".format(pair.Index, pair.Value) # Many matrix methods have been optimized to take advantage of sparsity: print "F-norm(m1) =", m1.FrobeniusNorm() # But beware: some revert to a dense algorithm and will fail on huge matrices: try: inverse = m1.GetInverse() except MemoryError as e: print e.message ```