Numerics.NET.LinearAlgebra Namespace

The Numerics.NET.LinearAlgebra namespace contains classes for working with vectors and matrices and matrix decompositions, and for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations and least squares problems.


BandMatrix<T> Represents a sparse matrix with nonzero elements only on a diagonal band containing the main diagonal.
BlockVector<T> Represents a vector that is made up of smaller vectors.
CholeskyDecomposition<T> Represents the Cholesky decomposition of a positive-definite symmetric matrix.
ComplexDenseGeneralizedSchurDecomposition<T> Represents the generalized Schur decomposition of a pair of complex matrices.
ComplexDenseSchurDecomposition<T> Represents the Schur decomposition of a complex matrix.
ComplexSingularValueDecomposition<T> Represents the singular value decomposition of a matrix.
ComponentReadOnlyException Represents an exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to set a component of a Vector<T> or Matrix<T> whose value is fixed.
ComposedComplexMatrix<T> Represents a complex matrix that is composed from real matrices that represent the real and imaginary components.
ComposedComplexVector<T> Represents a complex vector composed of a vector of real and of imaginary components.
ConstantMatrix<T> Represents a matrix whose components all have the same value..
ConstantVector<T> Represents a vector whose elements are all the same.
Decomposition<T> Represents a matrix decomposition.
DenseMatrix<T> Represents a general, dense, square or rectangular matrix.
DenseMatrix<T, TSlice, TStorage2D> Represents a general, dense, square or rectangular matrix.
DenseVector<T> Represents a vector with arbitrary components.
DenseVector<T, TStorage> Represents a vector with arbitrary components.
DiagonalMatrix<T> Represents a matrix whose only nonzero components lie on a diagonal.
EigenvalueDecomposition<T> Represents the eigenvalue decomposition of a dense matrix.
GeneralizedDecomposition<T> Represents a generalized matrix decomposition.
GeneralizedEigenvalueDecomposition<T> Represents the generalized eigenvalue decomposition of two matrices.
GeneralizedSchurDecomposition<T> Represents the generalized Schur decomposition of two square matrices.
GeneralizedSingularValueDecomposition<T> Represents the generalized singular value decomposition of two matrices.
HermitianMatrix<T> Represents a matrix that is Hermitian about the main diagonal.
IndexedVector<T> Represents a vector whose elements are arbitrary components of another vector.
LeastSquaresSolver<T> Represents the solution to a least squares problem.
LinearAlgebraOperations Specifies the methods that must be implemented by a class to support basic linear algebra.
LinearOperator<T> Defines methods for the solution of a system of simultaneous linear equations and related operations.
LQDecomposition<T> Represents the LQ decomposition of a matrix.
LUDecomposition<T> Represents the LU decomposition of a matrix.
MatrixNotPositiveDefiniteException Represents an exception that is thrown when a computation cannot be completed because a matrix is not positive definite.
MatrixSingularException Represents an exception that is thrown when a computation cannot be completed because a matrix is singular.
MatrixView<T> Represents a view on all or part of a matrix.
NonHermitianEigenvalueDecomposition<T> Represents the eigenvalue decomposition of a complex matrix.
NonNegativeMatrixFactorization<T> Represents a non-negative decomposition of a general matrix.
PermutationMatrix Represents a permutation matrix.
QLDecomposition<T> Represents the QL decomposition of a matrix.
QRDecomposition<T> Represents the QR decomposition of a matrix.
RealEigenvalueDecomposition<T> Represents the eigenvalue decomposition of a non-symmetric, real matrix.
RQDecomposition<T> Represents the RQ decomposition of a matrix.
SchurDecomposition<T> Represents the Schur decomposition of a dense matrix.
SingularValueDecomposition<T> Represents the singular value decomposition of a matrix.
SparseCompressedColumnMatrix<T> Represents a sparse matrix in Compressed Sparse Column format.
SparseMatrix<T> Represents a sparse matrix.
SparseVector<T> Represents a vector with a vector with relatively few non-zero components.
SymmetricIndefiniteDecomposition<T> Represents the symmetric indefinite (Bunch-Kaufman) decomposition of a symmetric matrix.
SymmetricMatrix<T> Represents a matrix that is symmetrical about the main diagonal.
SymmetricMatrix<T, TSlice, TStorage2D> 
TriangularMatrix<T> Represents a matrix whose elements above or below the main diagonal are zero.
VandermondeMatrix<T> Represents a Vandermonde matrix.


ColumnCollection<T> Represents the collection of columns of a matrix.
IndexValuePair<T> Represents the value of a component at a specified position in a vector.
PivotVector Represents a vector containing permutation indexes.
RowCollection<T> Represents the collection of rows of a matrix.
RowColumnValueTriplet<T> Represents the value of a component at a specified position in a matrix.


IResizableMatrix<T> Represents the methods available for matrices that can be resized.


CloningMethod Enumerates the methods that can be used to clone a Vector<T> or Matrix<T>.
EigenvalueDecompositionFactors Enumerates the factors of a SingularValueDecomposition<T>.
EigenvalueRange Enumerates the options for specifying the eigenvalues that should be computed.
GeneralizedSingularValueDecompositionFactors Enumerates the factors of a GeneralizedSingularValueDecomposition<T>.
LeastSquaresSolutionMethod Enumerates the possible methods for solving a least squares problem.
SingularValueDecompositionFactors Enumerates the factors of a SingularValueDecomposition<T>.