IAggregator2<T>.TryAggregate Method


Namespace: Extreme.DataAnalysis
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23

Overload List

TryAggregate(IVector, IVector, T) Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
TryAggregate(IVector, IVector, Array1D<Int32>, Int32, T) Aggregates the specified elements of a vector and returns the result.
TryAggregate(IVector, IVector, Int32, Int32, T) Aggregates the specified range of elements of a vector and returns the result.

TryAggregate(IVector, IVector, T)

Aggregates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
bool TryAggregate(
	IVector values1,
	IVector values2,
	out T result


values1  IVector
A vector of values.
values2  IVector
A vector of values.
result  T
The aggregated result.

Return Value

true if the aggregation produced a result; otherwise false.

TryAggregate(IVector, IVector, Array1D<Int32>, Int32, T)

Aggregates the specified elements of a vector and returns the result.
bool TryAggregate(
	IVector values1,
	IVector values2,
	Array1D<int> indexes,
	int length,
	out T result


values1  IVector
A vector of values.
values2  IVector
A vector of values.
indexes  Array1D<Int32>
An integer array containing the indexes of the elements of values1 and values2 that will be aggregated.
length  Int32
The number of values to aggregate.
result  T
The vector that is to hold the result.

Return Value

true if the aggregation produced a result; otherwise false.

TryAggregate(IVector, IVector, Int32, Int32, T)

Aggregates the specified range of elements of a vector and returns the result.
bool TryAggregate(
	IVector values1,
	IVector values2,
	int startIndex,
	int endIndex,
	out T result


values1  IVector
A vector of values.
values2  IVector
A vector of values.
startIndex  Int32
The zero-based index of the first element in values1 and values2 and values2 that should be aggregated.
endIndex  Int32
The zero-based index of the last element in values1 and values2 and values2 that should be aggregated.
result  T
The vector that is to hold the result.

Return Value

true if the aggregation produced a result; otherwise false.

See Also