Numerics.NET.Algorithms Namespace

The Numerics.NET.Algorithms namespace contains fundamental classes and base classes used for the implementation of numerical algorithms.


AlgorithmHelper Contains general methods that support several algorithm implementations.
ConvergenceException Represents an exception that is thrown when an algorithm fails to converge.
ConvergenceTest<T> Represents a convergence test for a IterativeAlgorithm<T>.
ConvergenceTestCollection<T> Represents a collection of convergence tests for an IterativeAlgorithm<T>.
IterativeAlgorithm<T> Acts as an abstract base class for classes that implement an iterative algorithm.
ManagedIterativeAlgorithm Represents an implementation of an iterative algorithm that uses a managed driver routine.
ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T> Represents an implementation of an iterative algorithm that uses a managed driver routine.
ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport> Represents an implementation of an iterative algorithm that uses a managed driver routine.
SimpleConvergenceTest Represents a convergence test of a real value.
SimpleConvergenceTest<T> Represents a convergence test.
VectorConvergenceTest Represents a convergence test based on the size of a real vector.
VectorConvergenceTest<T> Represents a convergence test based on the size of a vector.


ConvergenceMode Represents the ways an IterativeAlgorithm<T> can converge to its final value.
ConvergenceTestQuantifier Enumerates the possible ways tests in a ConvergenceTestCollection<T> are combined.
OptimizationGoal Enumerates the possible goals for the solution of an optimization problem.
VectorConvergenceErrorMeasure Enumerates the ways to measure the error in a VectorConvergenceTest<T>.
VectorConvergenceNorm Enumerates the possible norms to be used in a VectorConvergenceTest<T>.