Numerics.NET.DataAnalysis.Linq Namespace

The Numerics.NET.DataAnalysis.Linq namespace contains static classes that provide support for LINQ queries on data frames, vectors, and matrices.


LinqExtensions Contains extension methods that enable LINQ query syntax for data frames and vectors.
LinqExtensions.DataFrameGrouping<TKey, R, C> Represents a collection of values labeled by a key.
LinqExtensions.DataFrameLookup<TKey, R, C> Defines an indexer, size property, and Boolean search method for LinqExtensions.Grouping<TKey, T> objects.
LinqExtensions.Grouping<TKey, T> Represents a collection of values labeled by a key.
LinqExtensions.Lookup<TKey, T> Defines an indexer, size property, and Boolean search method for LinqExtensions.Grouping<TKey, T> objects.