Numerics.NET.EquationSolvers.Generic Namespace



BisectionSolver<T> Represents a EquationSolver that uses the bisection algorithm.
DekkerBrentSolver<T> Represents a root finder that uses Dekker and Brent's algorithm.
EquationSolver<T> Serves as an abstract base class for root finders.
NewtonRaphsonSolver<T> Represents a root finder based on the Newton-Raphson algorithm.
RegulaFalsiSolver<T> Represents a root finder that uses a modified regula falsi or false position algorithm.
RobustSolver<T> Represents a root finder that uses an algorithm by Alefeld, Potra, and Shi.
RootBracketingSolver<T> Represents the abstract base class for root finders for real functions of one variable that use root bracketing.