Numerics.NET.Providers Namespace

The Numerics.NET.Providers namespace contains classes for defining and working with implementation providers.


CoreProvider<T> Represents a provider for the core linear algebra and FFT functionality for an element type.
ImplementationEventArgs<T> Specifies information about events related to loading implementations.
ImplementationManager<T> Manages the implementations of functionality.
ImplementationProvider Represents a class that provides access to one or more implementations.
ImplementationProviderAttribute Marks a class as an implementation provider.
ManagedCoreProvider Encapsulates the currently active BLAS implementation.
ManagedCoreProviderOfSingle Encapsulates the currently active BLAS implementation.
MklProvider Represents a core provider based on IntelĀ®'s Math Kernel Library.
MklProviderOfSingle Represents a core provider based on IntelĀ®'s Math Kernel Library.
ProviderManager Manages implementation providers.


IImplementation Defines the contract for an implementation.


ImplementationEventHandler<T> Handles events related to the adding and removing of implementations.


ConditionalNumericalReproducibility Enumerates the possible settings for configuring conditional numerical reproducibility.
Platform Enumerates the possible target platforms of implementations.