Numerics.NET Namespace

The Numerics.NET namespace contains fundamental classes and base classes that define commonly-used mathematical value and reference data types, events and event handlers, interfaces, attributes, and processing exceptions.


ArrayMath Contains methods that perform operations on arrays.
BigFloat Represents a floating-point number with arbitrary precision.
CategoricalVector<T> Represents a vector whose elements can take on a limited set of values.
Constants Contains various mathematical constants.
CoreImplementations<T> Encapsulates the currently active core algorithms.
DimensionMismatchException Represents an exception that is thrown when the dimensions of a matrix or vector are not compatible for the requested operation.
DoubleComparer Represents a comparer for double-precision floating-point numbers with specified tolerance.
Elementary Contains methods for evaluating various elementary functions.
ElementType<T> Contains defaults for the specified element type of an array.
Fortran Contains methods that provide the equivalent of some FORTRAN functions.
FunctionMath Contains methods that perform operations on mathematical functions.
GenericCoreProvider<T> Represents a managed provider for the core linear algebra and FFT functionality for an element type.
GenericImplementations Provides access to the generic provider.
InsufficientDataException Represents an exception that may be thrown when a variable or variable collection contains insufficient data to perform a calculation.
IntegerMath Contains methods that perform operations on integers.
Iterators Contains methods for generating combinatorial sequences over collections.
License Used to verify that this copy of Numerics.NET is properly licensed.
MachineConstants Contains constants related to the specific implementation of floating-point arithmetic in the .NET framework and the Common Language Runtime.
Math<T> Contains methods for evaluating various elementary functions.
Matrix Contains static methods that operate on matrices.
Matrix<T> Represents a matrix, a two-dimensional array of real numbers.
MatrixExtensions Contains methods for operations that are different for real and complex vectors and matrices.
NumericsConfiguration Provides access to global configuration settings.
Operations<T> Represents the arithmetic and other operations for an operand type.
Permutation Represents a permutation, a rearrangement of the elements of a set or collection.
RandomExtensions Constains extension methods for random number generators.
SingleConstants Contains various mathematical constants in single precision.
SinglePrecisionImplementations Provides access to the single-precision providers.
SolutionReport<T> Represents the result of running a ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>.
SolutionReport<T, TError> Represents the result of running a ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>.
Special Contains static methods for the evaluation of special functions.
SummaryOptions Represents options available when creating summary strings for objects.
SymbolicMath Contains methods that perform operations on mathematical functions.
TotalLossOfPrecisionException Represents an exception that is thrown when roundoff errors in a calculation make it impossible to produce a meaningful result.
Vector Contains static methods that operate on vectors.
Vector<T> Represents a vector, a one-dimensional array of real numbers.
VectorExtensions Contains methods for operations that are different for real and complex vectors and matrices.


AccuracyGoal Describes the desired accuracy for an arbitrary precision floating-point operation.
ArrayAttributes Represents detailed information about vectors and matrices.
Axes Represents a collection of zero or more axes in a tensor.
BigInteger Represents an integer of arbitrary size.
BigRational Represents an arbitrary rational number.
Complex<T> Represents a generic complex value.
FixedPoint Represents a number with the specified number of digits after the decimal point.
Imaginary<T> Represents a generic imaginary value.
Interval Represents an interval of real numbers.
Interval<T> Represents an interval of ordered values.
Quad Represents a real number in IEEE/IEC quadruple-precision floating-point format.
Range Represents a range of indexes.
Slice Represents a set of indexes at equally spaced intervals.
TypedVectorWrapper<K, T> Represents a data frame vector with typed index and values.


ICategoricalVector Represents the common methods and properties for indexed collections that contain categorical data.
IDistributed Defines the properties and methods common to all distributed data structures.
IFastFunc<TResult> Represents a function with no parameters that returns a result.
IFastFunc<T, TResult> Represents a function with one parameter that returns a result.
IFastFunc<T1, T2, TResult> Represents a function with two parameters that returns a result.
IFastFunc<T1, T2, T3, TResult> Represents a function with three parameters that returns a result.
IFastFunc<T1, T2, T3, T4, TResult> Represents a function with four parameters that returns a result.
IFastFunc<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TResult> Represents a function with five parameters that returns a result.
IFastFunc<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TResult> Represents a function with six parameters that returns a result.
IFastFunc2<T, TResult1, TResult2> Represents a function with one parameter that returns two results.
IFastFunc2<T1, T2, TResult1, TResult2> Represents a function with two parameters that returns two results.
IParallelized Specifies the contract for types whose computational methods have been parallelized.
IPermutable Represents the contract for a collection that allows its elements to be permuted.
ISummarizable Defines methods for returning a human-readable summary of the object.
IVector Represents the common methods and properties for indexed collections.


FunctionWithDerivative Represents an objective function that also computes the derivative.


AlgorithmStatus Enumerates the possible result codes for classes that support the IterativeAlgorithm<T> interface.
ArrayMutability Enumerates the levels of mutability of a vector or matrix.
ConvergenceCriterion Enumerates possible values for the ConvergenceCriterion property of classes that inherit from the ConvergenceTest<T> and ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport> classes.
Dimension Enumerates the dimensions of a matrix.
DimensionType Enumerates the possible values for the type of dimension in a DimensionMismatchException.
DistributedDataLocation Enumerates possible configurations for the location of the components of a distributed array.
Intent Enumerates the possible reasons for how an object will be used.
MatrixDiagonal Represents the possible values that specify whether or not a TriangularMatrix<T> has 1's on its diagonal.
MatrixElementOrder Represents the possible values for the order in which elements of a matrix are stored. The matrix elements must be contiguous in the storage array in the direction specified by this value.
MatrixNorm Enumerates the types of matrix norms.
MatrixOperationSide Represents the possible values that specify the side of an operand to a matrix operation.
MatrixStructure Enumerates the options for the structure of a sparse matrix.
MatrixTriangle Represents the possible values specifying the part of the storage array where the elements of a triangular or symmetrical matrix are stored.
MutabilityBehaviour Enumerates the possible behaviour of functions that return subsets of objects when the mutability isn't strictly specified.
NumericsConfiguration.LogLevels Defines logging severity levels.
RoundingMode Enumerates the possible ways to round a number.
TransposeOperation Represents the possible values of an operation to be performed on a matrix before it is multiplied.