Numerics. NET. Optimization Namespace
The Numerics.NET.Optimization namespace contains classes that perform optimization of functions in one or more variables, including linear, quadratic and nonlinear programming.
Bounded | Represents a multi-dimensional optimizer that uses a limited memory version of the BFGS algorithm to solve optimization problems with box constraints. |
Brent | Represents a one-dimensional optimizer based on Brent's algorithm using derivatives. |
Brent | Represents a one-dimensional optimizer based on Brent's algorithm. |
CMA | Represents an optimizer that implements the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES). |
Conjugate | Represents an optimizer that uses a conjugate gradient algorithm. |
Constraint | Serves as a base class for classes that represent constraints in an optimization model. |
Constraint | Represents a collection of variables in a OptimizationModel. |
Decision | Represents a variable in a OptimizationModel. |
Decision | Represents a collection of variables in a OptimizationModel. |
Differential | Implements the Differential Evolution algorithm for multi-dimensional optimization. |
Directional | Represents an optimizer that finds an extremum by searching along a search direction in each iteration. |
Golden | Implements a one-dimensional optimizer that decreases the search interval by the Golden Ratio. |
Least | Represents an algorithm that minimizes a sum of squares. |
Levenberg | Implements the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for non-linear least-squares. |
Limited | Represents a multi-dimensional optimizer that uses the limited memory variant of the BFGS algorithm. |
Linear | Represents a linear constraint in an optimization model. |
Linear | Represents a linear programming problem. |
Linear | Represents a row in a LinearProgram. |
Linear | Provides a uniform interface for external solvers of linear programs. |
Linear | Represents a variable in a LinearProgram. |
Mps | Reads a linear program in MPS format. |
Multidimensional | Represents an algorithm for optimization of a multivariate function. |
Multidimensional | |
Nelder | Implements the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm for multi-dimensional optimization. |
Nonlinear | Represents a row in a LinearProgram. |
Nonlinear | Represents a nonlinear programming problem. |
One | Serves as an abstract base class for classes that implement one-dimensional optimization algorithms. |
Optimization | Represents an optimization problem. |
Optimization | Acts as a base class for the constraints and variables of an optimization model. |
Optimization | Provides a uniform interface for external solvers of optimization problems. |
Optimization | |
Optimization | Represents the result of solving an optimization model. |
Particle | Represents an optimizer that uses the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. |
Particle | Represents a swarm of particles. |
Population | Represents a population of candidates with solutions of type Vector<double>. |
Population<TCandidate> | Represents a population of candidates with solutions of type Vector<double>. |
Population<TSolution, TCandidate> | Represents a population of candidates for optimization. |
Population | Represents an optimizer for multivariate functions that uses a population-based algorithm. |
Population | Represents an optimizer that uses a population-based algorithm. |
Powell | Implements Powell's modified multidimensional optimization method. |
Quadratic | Represents a quadratic programming problem. |
Quasi | Represents a multi-dimensional optimizer that uses a quasi-Newton algorithm (DFP or BFGS). |
Simulated | Represents an optimizer that uses the Simulated Annealing algorithm. |
Trust | Implements the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for non-linear least-squares. |
Candidate | Represents a candidate with a solution of type Vector<double>. |
Particle | Represents a particle in the swarm. |
Particle | Represents the topology used in Particle Swarm Optimization. |
ICandidate<TSolution> | Represents a candidate (solution candidate) with a solution of type TSolution and an associated evaluation value (e.g., fitness, energy, etc.). |
Box | Specifies how box constraints on variables are handled. |
Conjugate | Enumerates the variants of the conjugate gradient method. |
Constraint | Enumerates the types of rows in a linear program. |
Differential | Specifies the strategy used to generate trial vectors in the differential evolution algorithm. |
Differential | Specifies how the differential weight should be dithered during optimization. |
Extremum | Enumerates the possible values for the type of extremum an optimizer is to look for. |
Optimization | Enumerates the possible values for the status of a LinearProgram. |
Population | Specifies the method used to initialize the population in the differential evolution algorithm. |
Quasi | Enumerates the variants of the quasi-Newton method. |