Numerics.NET.Statistics.Tests Namespace

The Numerics.NET.Statistics.Tests namespace contains classes that represent hypothesis tests.


AndersonDarlingDistribution Represents the distribution of the Anderson-Darling statistic A2.
AndersonDarlingTest Represents an Anderson-Darling test that a sample is normally distributed.
AnovaPostHocTest Represents a post hoc test for equality of group means of a one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
BartlettTest Represents Bartlett's test that a set of samples have the same variance.
ChiSquareGoodnessOfFitTest Represents a test that a sample comes from a specified distribution.
FlignerKilleenTest Represents the Fligner-Killeen test that a set of samples have the same variance.
FTest Represents a test that the ratio between the population variances of two samples is equal to a specific value.
GeneralizedEsdTest Represents a Generalized Extreme Studentized Deviate (ESD) test for multiple outliers in a sample.
GrubbsTest Represents a Grubbs test for detecting a single outlier.
HypothesisTest Serves as an abstract base class for classes that represent a hypothesis test.
KruskalWallisTest Represents the Kruskal-Wallis test.
LeveneTest Represents Levene's test that a set of samples have the same variance.
LjungBoxTest Represents the Ljung-Box test that a sample is not auto-correlated.
MannWhitneyTest<T> Represents a non-parametric test that two samples are from the same distribution.
McNemarTest Represents a McNemar test on paired proportions.
MultiSampleTest<T> Represents a HypothesisTest based on two or more samples.
OneSampleChiSquareTest Represents a test that the population variance of a Vector<T> is equal to a specific value.
OneSampleKolmogorovSmirnovTest Represents a test that a sample comes from a specified distribution.
OneSampleTest Represents a HypothesisTest based on a single sample.
OneSampleZTest Represents a test that the population population mean of a Vector<T> is equal to a specific value when the population variance is known.
OneSampleZTestOfProportion Represents a test that a proportion in a population equals a specific proportion.
RunsTest<T> Represents the runs test of randomness.
ShapiroWilkTest Represents the Shapiro-Wilk test that a sample is normally distributed.
SimpleHypothesisTest Represents a hypothesis test that verifies a statistic with known distribution.
StuartMaxwellTest Represents a Stuart-Maxwell test
StudentizedRangeDistribution Represents the studentized range distribution.
TwoSampleKolmogorovSmirnovTest Represents a test that two samples come from the same, unspecified distribution.
TwoSampleTest Represents a HypothesisTest based on two samples.
TwoSampleTest<T> Represents a HypothesisTest based on two samples.
TwoSampleTTest Represents a test that the difference between the population means of two samples is equal to a specific value.
TwoSampleZTest Represents a test that the difference between two proportions of independent samples is significant.


Exactness Enumerates the possible values that specify whether the calculations for a hypothesis test should be exact or use an approximation.
HypothesisType Enumerates the possible values for a hypothesis test.
LocationMeasure Enumerates the ways the central tendency of a sample is calculated in Levene's test.
SamplePairing Enumerates the possible ways to relate two samples in a two sample hypothesis test.