Numerics.NET.LinearAlgebra.Implementation Namespace

The Numerics.NET.LinearAlgebra.Implementation namespace contains classes that implement various provider types for linear algebra with generic element types.


ArrayFunctions<T> Specifies the methods that must be implemented by a class to support elementary functions on vectors and matrices.
DecompositionOperations<T> Specifies the methods that must be implemented by a class to support real LAPACK routines for general matrices.
DecompositionOperations<TReal, TComplex> Specifies the methods that must be implemented by a class to support complex LAPACK routines for general matrices.
GenericDecompositionOperations<T> Specifies the methods that must be implemented by a class to support complex LAPACK routines for general matrices.
GenericLinearAlgebraOperations<T> Implements the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) for generic element types.
GenericSparseLinearAlgebraOperations<T> Implements the sparse BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) for generic element types.
LinearAlgebraOperations<T> Implements the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) for generic element types.
ManagedArrayFunctions Contains the default implementation for the BLAS for double-precision real numbers.
ManagedArrayFunctions<T> Contains the default implementation for the BLAS for generic real numbers.
ManagedArrayFunctionsOfSingle Contains the default implementation for the BLAS for single precision real numbers.
ManagedLapack Specifies the methods that must be implemented by a class to support complex double-precision LAPACK routines for general matrices.
ManagedLapackOfSingle Specifies the methods that must be implemented by a class to support complex single precision LAPACK routines for general matrices.
ManagedLinearAlgebraOperations Contains the default implementation for the BLAS for double-precision real numbers.
ManagedLinearAlgebraOperationsOfSingle Contains the default implementation for the BLAS for single precision real numbers.
ManagedSparseLinearAlgebraOperations Contains the managed implementation of the sparse BLAS routines.
ManagedSparseLinearAlgebraOperationsOfSingle Contains the managed implementation of the sparse BLAS routines.
SparseLinearAlgebraOperations Represents operations on real and complex sparse vectors and matrices of double precision floating-point numbers.
SparseLinearAlgebraOperations<T> Represents operations on sparse real and complex matrices.
SparseLinearAlgebraOperationsOfSingle Summary description for SparseBlas.


IArrayFunctions<T, TShape, TArray> Specifies the methods that must be implemented by a class to support elementary functions on vectors and matrices.
ILinearAlgebraOperations<T> Specifies the methods that must be implemented by a class to support basic linear algebra.
ILinearAlgebraOperations<T, TVector, TMatrix> Specifies the methods that must be implemented by a class to support basic linear algebra.
ISparseLinearAlgebraOperations<T> Specifies the methods that must be implemented by a class to support basic linear algebra.