Numerics.NET.Calculus.Generic Namespace



AdaptiveIntegrator<T> Represents a numerical integrator that uses an adaptive algorithm based on a Gauss-Kronrod integration rule.
GaussKronrodRule<T> Abstract base class for Gauss-Kronrod type numerical integrators.
IntegrationRule<T> Represents a method to compute an approximation to an integral together with an estimate of the error.
LeftPointIntegrator<T> Represents a numerical integrator that uses the left point rule.
MidpointIntegrator<T> Represents a numerical integrator that uses the mid-point rule.
NumericalIntegrator<T> Serves as an abstract base class for classes that represent an implementation of a numerical integration algorithm.
RightPointIntegrator<T> Represents a numerical integrator that uses the right-point rule.
RombergIntegrator<T> Represents a numerical integrator that uses Romberg's method.
SimpsonIntegrator<T> Represents a numerical integrator that uses Simpson's rule.
TrapezoidIntegrator<T> Represents a numerical integrator that uses the trapezoid rule.


IntegrationRuleResult<T> Represents the result of evaulating an IntegrationRule<T>.