JsonFile Class

Contains methods for serializing and deserializing objects to and from JSON format.


Namespace: Numerics.NET.Data.Json
Assembly: Numerics.NET.Data.Json (in Numerics.NET.Data.Json.dll) Version: 4.0.0
public static class JsonFile
Object  →  JsonFile


Append(JsonWriter, JsonOptions) Creates a JSON stream from an existing JsonWriter.
Append(Stream, JsonOptions) Opens a data stream in JSON format for writing.
Create Creates a data file in JSON format for writing.
Open(JsonReader, JsonOptions) Opens a JSON stream from an existing JsonReader.
Open(Stream, JsonOptions) Opens a data stream in JSON format for reading.
Open(String, JsonOptions) Opens a data file in JSON format for reading.
ReadComplexMatrix<T>(Stream, JsonOptions) Reads a complex matrix from a stream in JSON format.
ReadComplexMatrix<T>(String, JsonOptions) Reads a complex matrix from a file in JSON format.
ReadComplexVector<T>(Stream, JsonOptions) Reads a complex vector from a stream in JSON format.
ReadComplexVector<T>(String, JsonOptions) Reads a complex vector from a file in JSON format.
ReadDataFrame(Stream, JsonOptions) Reads a data frame from a stream in JSON format.
ReadDataFrame(String, JsonOptions) Reads a data frame from a file in JSON format.
ReadDataFrame<R, C>(Stream, JsonOptions) Reads a data frame from a stream in JSON format.
ReadDataFrame<R, C>(String, JsonOptions) Reads a data frame from a file in JSON format.
ReadMatrix<T>(Stream, JsonOptions) Reads a matrix from a stream in JSON format.
ReadMatrix<T>(String, JsonOptions) Reads a matrix from a file in JSON format.
ReadVector<T>(Stream, JsonOptions) Reads a vector from a stream in JSON format.
ReadVector<T>(String, JsonOptions) Reads a vector from a file in JSON format.
ToComplexMatrix<T> Reads a complex matrix from a string in JSON format.
ToComplexVector<T> Reads a complex vector from a string in JSON format.
ToDataFrame(String, JsonOptions) Reads a data frame from a string in JSON format.
ToDataFrame<R, C>(String, JsonOptions) Reads a data frame from a string in JSON format.
ToJson<T>(Matrix<T>, JsonOptions) Returns a string containing a matrix in JSON format.
ToJson<T>(Matrix<Complex<T>>, JsonOptions) Returns a string containing a complex matrix in JSON format.
ToJson<T>(Vector<T>, JsonOptions) Returns a string containing a vector in JSON format.
ToJson<T>(Vector<Complex<T>>, JsonOptions) Returns a string containing a complex vector in JSON format.
ToJson<R, C>(DataFrame<R, C>, JsonOptions) Returns a string containing the data frame in JSON format.
ToMatrix<T> Reads a matrix from a string in JSON format.
ToVector<T> Reads a vector from a string in JSON format.
Write<T>(Stream, Matrix<T>, JsonOptions) Writes a matrix to a stream in JSON format.
Write<T>(Stream, Matrix<Complex<T>>, JsonOptions) Writes a complex matrix to a stream in JSON format.
Write<T>(Stream, Vector<T>, JsonOptions) Writes a vector to a stream in JSON format.
Write<T>(Stream, Vector<Complex<T>>, JsonOptions) Writes a complex vector to a stream in JSON format.
Write<T>(String, Matrix<T>, JsonOptions) Writes a matrix to a file in JSON format.
Write<T>(String, Matrix<Complex<T>>, JsonOptions) Writes a complex matrix to a file in JSON format.
Write<T>(String, Vector<T>, JsonOptions) Writes a vector to a file in JSON format.
Write<T>(String, Vector<Complex<T>>, JsonOptions) Writes a complex vector to a file in JSON format.
Write<R, C>(Stream, DataFrame<R, C>, JsonOptions) Writes a data frame to a stream in JSON format.
Write<R, C>(String, DataFrame<R, C>, JsonOptions) Writes a data frame to a file in JSON format.

See Also