Aggregate<T>(Vector<T>, Func<T, T, T>) |
Applies an accumulator function over the elements of a vector.
Aggregate<T, TAccumulate>(Vector<T>, TAccumulate, Func<TAccumulate, T, TAccumulate>) |
Applies an accumulator function over the elements of a vector.
Aggregate<R, C, TAccumulate>(DataFrame<R, C>, TAccumulate, Func<TAccumulate, DataFrameRow<R, C>, TAccumulate>) |
Applies an accumulator function over the rows of a data frame.
The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value.
Aggregate<T, TAccumulate, TResult>(Vector<T>, TAccumulate, Func<TAccumulate, T, TAccumulate>, Func<TAccumulate, TResult>) |
Aggregates the elements of a vector using the specified accumulator
and seed value.
Aggregate<R, C, TAccumulate, TResult>(DataFrame<R, C>, TAccumulate, Func<TAccumulate, DataFrameRow<R, C>, TAccumulate>, Func<TAccumulate, TResult>) |
Applies an accumulator function over the rows of a data frame.
The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value.
Concat<T>(Vector<T>, Vector<T>) |
Concatenates two vectors.
Concat<R, C>(DataFrame<R, C>, DataFrame<R, C>) |
Appends two data frames.
GroupBy<T, TKey>(Vector<T>, Func<T, TKey>) |
Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified key selector function.
GroupBy<T, TKey>(Vector<T>, Func<T, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>) |
Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified
key selector function and key comparer.
GroupBy<R, C, TKey>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TKey>) |
Groups the rows of a data frame based on the specified key selector.
GroupBy<R, C, TKey>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>) |
Groups the rows of a data frame based on the specified key selector.
GroupBy<T, TKey, TElement>(Vector<T>, Func<T, TKey>, Func<T, TElement>) |
Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified
key selector and element selector functions.
GroupBy<T, TKey, TResult>(Vector<T>, Func<T, TKey>, Func<TKey, IEnumerable<T>, TResult>) |
Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified key selector function
and creates a result value from each group and its key.
GroupBy<T, TKey, TElement>(Vector<T>, Func<T, TKey>, Func<T, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>) |
Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified
key selector and element selector functions, and key comparer.
GroupBy<T, TKey, TResult>(Vector<T>, Func<T, TKey>, Func<TKey, IEnumerable<T>, TResult>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>) |
Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified key selector function
and creates a result value from each group and its key. Key values are compared
using the specified comparer.
GroupBy<R, C, TKey, TResult>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TKey>, Func<TKey, IEnumerable<DataFrameRow<R, C>>, TResult>) |
Groups the rows of a data frame based on the specified key selector,
and returns the result of applying a function to the selected elements
of each group.
GroupBy<R, C, TKey, TElement>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TKey>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TElement>) |
Groups the rows of a data frame based on the specified key selector,
and returns the result of applying a function to the selected elements
of each group.
GroupBy<R, C, TKey, TResult>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TKey>, Func<TKey, IEnumerable<DataFrameRow<R, C>>, TResult>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>) |
Groups the rows of a data frame based on the specified key selector,
and returns the result of applying a function to the selected elements
of each group.
GroupBy<R, C, TKey, TElement>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TKey>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>) |
Groups the rows of a data frame based on the specified key selector,
and returns the result of applying a function to the selected elements
of each group.
GroupBy<T, TKey, TElement, TResult>(Vector<T>, Func<T, TKey>, Func<T, TElement>, Func<TKey, IEnumerable<TElement>, TResult>) |
Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified key selector function
and creates a result value from each group and its key.
The elements of each group are projected using the specified function.
GroupBy<T, TKey, TElement, TResult>(Vector<T>, Func<T, TKey>, Func<T, TElement>, Func<TKey, IEnumerable<TElement>, TResult>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>) |
Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified key selector function
and creates a result value from each group and its key. Key values are compared
using the specified comparer, and the elements of each group are projected
using the specified function.
GroupBy<R, C, TKey, TElement, TResult>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TKey>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TElement>, Func<TKey, IEnumerable<TElement>, TResult>) |
Groups the rows of a data frame based on the specified key selector,
and returns the result of applying a function to the selected elements
of each group.
GroupBy<R, C, TKey, TElement, TResult>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TKey>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TElement>, Func<TKey, IEnumerable<TElement>, TResult>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>) |
Groups the rows of a data frame based on the specified key selector,
and returns the result of applying a function to the selected elements
of each group.
Select<T, TResult>(Vector<T>, Func<T, TResult>) |
Projects each element of a vector into a new form.
Select<T, TResult>(Vector<T>, Func<T, Int32, TResult>) |
Projects each element of a vector into a new form by incorporating the elements index.
Select<R, C, TResult>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TResult>) |
Projects each row of a data frame into a value.
Select<R, C, TResult>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, Int32, TResult>) |
Projects each row of a data frame into a value.
Select<TKey, TElement, TResult>(LinqExtensions.Lookup<TKey, TElement>, Func<LinqExtensions.Grouping<TKey, TElement>, TResult>) |
Returns a vector that applies the specified selector
to each element of a lookup.
Select<TKey, R, C, TResult>(LinqExtensions.DataFrameLookup<TKey, R, C>, Func<LinqExtensions.DataFrameGrouping<TKey, R, C>, TResult>) |
Returns a vector that applies the specified selector
to each element of a lookup.
SelectMany<T, TResult>(Vector<T>, Func<T, IEnumerable<TResult>>) |
Projects each element of a vector to a vector and flattens the resulting
vectors into one vector.
SelectMany<T, TResult>(Vector<T>, Func<T, Int32, IEnumerable<TResult>>) |
Projects each element of a vector to a vector incorporating the element's index
and flattens the resulting vectors into one vector.
SelectMany<R, C, TResult>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, IEnumerable<TResult>>) |
Projects each row of a data frame into a value.
SelectMany<R, C, TResult>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, Int32, IEnumerable<TResult>>) |
Projects each row of a data frame into a sequence of values,
flattens all the sequences into one sequence.
SelectMany<T, TCollection, TResult>(Vector<T>, Func<T, IEnumerable<TCollection>>, Func<T, TCollection, TResult>) |
Projects each element of a vector to a vector
and flattens the resulting vectors into one vector,
and applies a selector function to each element of the flattened vector.
SelectMany<T, TCollection, TResult>(Vector<T>, Func<T, Int32, IEnumerable<TCollection>>, Func<T, TCollection, TResult>) |
Projects each element of a vector to a vector incorporating the element's index
and flattens the resulting vectors into one vector,
and applies a selector function to each element of the flattened vector.
SelectMany<R, C, TCollection, TResult>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, IEnumerable<TCollection>>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TCollection, TResult>) |
Projects each row of a data frame into a sequence of values,
flattens all the sequences into one sequence,
and invokes a selector function on each element of the flattened sequence.
SelectMany<R, C, TCollection, TResult>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, Int32, IEnumerable<TCollection>>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TCollection, TResult>) |
Projects each row of a data frame into a sequence of values,
flattens all the sequences into one sequence,
and invokes a selector function on each element of the flattened sequence.
The row index is used in the logic of the projection that produces the intermediate sequence.
ToLookup<T, TKey>(Vector<T>, Func<T, TKey>) |
Creates a lookup from a vector according to the specified key selector function.
ToLookup<T, TKey>(Vector<T>, Func<T, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>) |
Creates a lookup from a vector according to the specified
key selector function and key comparer.
ToLookup<R, C, TKey>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TKey>) |
Creates a lookup for the data frame according to the specified key selector function.
ToLookup<R, C, TKey>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TKey>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>) |
Creates a lookup for the data frame according to the specified key selector function
and key comparer.
ToLookup<T, TKey, TElement>(Vector<T>, Func<T, TKey>, Func<T, TElement>) |
Creates a lookup from a vector according to the specified
key selector and element selector functions.
ToLookup<T, TKey, TElement>(Vector<T>, Func<T, TKey>, Func<T, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>) |
Creates a lookup from a vector according to the specified
key selector and element selector functions, and key comparer.
ToLookup<R, C, TKey, TElement>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TKey>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TElement>) |
Creates a lookup for the data frame according to the specified key selector
and element selector function.
ToLookup<R, C, TKey, TElement>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TKey>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, TElement>, IEqualityComparer<TKey>) |
Creates a lookup for the data frame according to the specified key selector
and element selector function.
Where<T>(Vector<T>, Func<T, Boolean>) |
Filters the elements of a vector based on a predicate.
Where<T>(Vector<T>, Func<T, Int32, Boolean>) |
Filters the elements of a vector based on a predicate.
Each element's index is used in the logic of the predicate function.
Where<R, C>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, Boolean>) |
Filters the rows of a data frame based on a predicate.
Where<R, C>(DataFrame<R, C>, Func<DataFrameRow<R, C>, Int32, Boolean>) |
Filters the rows of a data frame based on a predicate.
Each row's index is used in the logic of the predicate function.