IComplexRingOperations<T, U> Interface

Note: This API is now obsolete.
Represents the contract for operations on a type that supports multiplication.


Namespace: Numerics.NET.Generic
Assembly: Numerics.NET (in Numerics.NET.dll) Version: 9.0.7
[ObsoleteAttribute("Use IOperations<T> instead.")]
public interface IComplexRingOperations<T, U> : IComplexOperations<T, U>, 
	IComplexOperations<T>, IGroupOperations<T>, IComparer<T>, IEqualityComparer<T>, 
	IRingOperations<T>, IVectorSpaceOperations<T, T>
IComplexOperations<T>, IComplexOperations<T, U>, IGroupOperations<T>, IRingOperations<T>, IVectorSpaceOperations<T, T>, IComparer<T>, IEqualityComparer<T>

Type Parameters

The type of the complex operands.
The type of real operands.


ImaginaryOne Gets the imaginary unit, i.
(Inherited from IComplexOperations<T>)
MaxValue Gets the largest possible value of the operand type.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)
MinValue Gets the smallest possible value of the operand type.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)
One Gets the value of one for the operand type T.
(Inherited from IRingOperations<T>)
Zero Gets the value of zero for the operand type T.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)


Abs Returns the absolute value of a value.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)
Add(T, U) Adds a complex number and a real number.
(Inherited from IComplexOperations<T, U>)
Add(T, T) Adds one value to another.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)
CompareCompares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than, equal to, or greater than the other.
(Inherited from IComparer<T>)
Conjugate Returns the conjugate of a complex value.
(Inherited from IComplexOperations<T>)
ConjugateMultiply Multiplies the conjugate of the left operand with the right operand.
(Inherited from IComplexOperations<T>)
EqualsDetermines whether the specified objects are equal.
(Inherited from IEqualityComparer<T>)
FromInt32 Converts an integer to the operand type.
(Inherited from IRingOperations<T>)
FromPolar Constructs a complex number from polar components.
(Inherited from IComplexOperations<T, U>)
GetHashCodeReturns a hash code for the specified object.
(Inherited from IEqualityComparer<T>)
Magnitude Gets the modulus or absolute value of a complex number.
(Inherited from IComplexOperations<T, U>)
Multiply(T, U) Multiplies a complex number and a real number.
Multiply(TScalar, TVector) Multiplies a vector by a scalar.
(Inherited from IVectorSpaceOperations<TScalar, TVector>)
Negate Negates a value.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)
OneNorm Returns the sum the absolute values of the real and imaginary parts of a comples value.
(Inherited from IComplexOperations<T>)
Phase Returns the argument or phase of a complex value.
(Inherited from IComplexOperations<T, U>)
ScaleByPowerOfTwo Scales the specified number by the specified power of two.
(Inherited from IRingOperations<T>)
Subtract(T, U) Adds a real number from a complex number.
(Inherited from IComplexOperations<T, U>)
Subtract(U, T) Subtracts a complex number from a real number.
(Inherited from IComplexOperations<T, U>)
Subtract(T, T) Subtracts one value from another.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)
ToInt32 Converts the operand type to an integer.
(Inherited from IRingOperations<T>)

See Also