Advanced Tensor Index Structure
Represents a tensor index that can be used to specify
advanced indexing operations.
Namespace: Numerics.NET.Tensors
Assembly: Numerics.NET.Tensors (in Numerics.NET.Tensors.dll) Version: 9.0.5
Assembly: Numerics.NET.Tensors (in Numerics.NET.Tensors.dll) Version: 9.0.5
public readonly struct AdvancedTensorIndex
Equals | Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. (Inherited from ValueType) |
Get | Returns the hash code for this instance. (Inherited from ValueType) |
Get | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
ToString | Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance. (Inherited from ValueType) |
Implicit(Boolean[] to AdvancedTensorIndex) | Implicitly converts a boolean array to an AdvancedTensorIndex. |
Implicit(Index to AdvancedTensorIndex) | Implicitly converts a Index to a TensorIndex. |
Implicit(Int32 to AdvancedTensorIndex) | Implicitly converts an integer to a TensorIndex. |
Implicit(Int32[] to AdvancedTensorIndex) | Implicitly converts an integer array to an AdvancedTensorIndex. |
Implicit(Range to AdvancedTensorIndex) | Implicitly converts a Range to a TensorIndex. |
Implicit(Range to AdvancedTensorIndex) | Implicitly converts a Range to a TensorIndex. |
Implicit(Slice to AdvancedTensorIndex) | Implicitly converts a Slice to an AdvancedTensorIndex. |
Implicit(Tensor<Boolean> to AdvancedTensorIndex) | Implicitly converts a boolean vector to an AdvancedTensorIndex. |
Implicit(Tensor<Int32> to AdvancedTensorIndex) | Implicitly converts an integer to an AdvancedTensorIndex. |
Implicit(TensorIndex to AdvancedTensorIndex) | Implicitly converts a TensorIndex to an AdvancedTensorIndex. |
Implicit(Vector<Boolean> to AdvancedTensorIndex) | Implicitly converts a boolean vector to an AdvancedTensorIndex. |
Implicit(Vector<Int32> to AdvancedTensorIndex) | Implicitly converts an integer vector to an AdvancedTensorIndex. |