ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>.Status Property

Gets the AlgorithmStatus following an execution of the algorithm.


Namespace: Numerics.NET.Algorithms
Assembly: Numerics.NET (in Numerics.NET.dll) Version: 9.0.0
public AlgorithmStatus Status { get; }

Property Value

One of the AlgorithmStatus values.


This property indicates the outcome of approximating the zero of the function. The root finding process can fail for a number of reasons. The possible values are as follows:

Result codeDescription
NoResultThe algorithm has not been executed.
NormalThe algorithm ended normally.
IterationLimitExceededThe maximum number of iterations was exceeded.
EvaluationLimitExceededThe maximum number of function evaluations was exceeded.
RoundOffErrorRound-off prevented the algorithm from achieving a result within the desired tolerance.
BadFunctionA badly behaved function prevented the algorithm from achieving a result within the desired tolerance.
DivergentThe algorithm diverges.

Even if the result is not Normal, an approximate value of the root is still available. However, it cannot be guaranteed that this value will even be close to the actual result.

When finding roots, it is recommended to set the ThrowExceptionOnFailure property to false and inspect the value of this property after the algorithm has run.

See Also