IStorage2D<T, TSlice, TStorage2D> Methods


AsSlice Returns the array as an array slice with unit leadingDimension.
Clear Sets the specified number of elements to their default value.
(Inherited from IStorage2D<T>)
Clone Creates a deep copy of the array.
(Inherited from IStorage2D<T, TStorage2D>)
CloneData Returns a new contiguous 2D array with the specified elements of the current array.
(Inherited from IStorage2D<T, TStorage2D>)
Column Returns an array with offset that corresponds to a column in the array.
ColumnFrom Returns an array with offset that corresponds to a column in the array that starts at the specified position.
Create(Int32, Int32, Boolean) Constructs a new storage array of the specified dimensions.
(Inherited from IStorage2D<T, TStorage2D>)
Create(T[], Int32, Int32) Creates an array over a segment in a regular array.
(Inherited from IStorage2D<T, TStorage2D>)
Diagonal Returns an array slice that corresponds to a column in the array.
From(Int32, Int32) Returns the array starting at the specified position.
(Inherited from IStorage2D<T, TStorage2D>)
From(Int32, Int32, Int32) Returns the array starting at the specified position with the specified leading dimension.
(Inherited from IStorage2D<T, TStorage2D>)
GetIndex Gets the index in the storage array of the element at the specified position.
(Inherited from IStorage2D<T>)
Resize Returns a new array with the specified size and leading dimension. Elements are copied to the new array.
(Inherited from IStorage2D<T, TStorage2D>)
Row Returns the array slice that corresponds to a row in the array.
RowFrom Returns the array slice that corresponds to a row in the array that starts at the specified position.
SliceFrom Returns an array slice with a specified stride that starts at the specified position.
Span Gets a span over the elements of the array.

Return Value

A Span<T>.
(Inherited from IStorage2D<T>)
Transpose Transposes the elements of the 2D array and returns the result.
(Inherited from IStorage2D<T, TStorage2D>)
TransposeTo Transposes the elements of the 2D array and returns the result in the specified array.
(Inherited from IStorage2D<T, TStorage2D>)
WithLeadingDimension Returns the array at the current position with the specified leading dimension.
(Inherited from IStorage2D<T, TStorage2D>)

See Also