ChebyshevSeries<T>.Add Method


Namespace: Numerics.NET.Curves.Generic
Assembly: Numerics.NET.Generic (in Numerics.NET.Generic.dll) Version: 9.0.0

Overload List

Add(LinearCombination<T>) Adds another LinearCombination<T> to this instance.
Add(T, LinearCombination<T>) Adds two Chebyshev series.

Add(T, LinearCombination<T>)

Adds two Chebyshev series.
public override LinearCombination<T> Add(
	T factor,
	LinearCombination<T> combination


factor  T
Multiplier for combination.
combination  LinearCombination<T>
The first ChebyshevSeries.

Return Value

A ChebyshevSeries that is the sum of the two operands.


ArgumentNullExceptioncombination is null.
InvalidCastExceptioncombination is not a Chebyshev series.
ArgumentExceptioncombination is not an instance of ChebyshevSeries.


The Chebyshev series represented by this instance and combination are defined over different intervals.


The Degree of combination is greater than the maximum degree of this instance.

See Also