GeneralCurve<T> Class

Represents a curve in two-dimensional space whose value is defined by a function of one variable delegate.


Namespace: Numerics.NET.Curves.Generic
Assembly: Numerics.NET.Generic (in Numerics.NET.Generic.dll) Version: 9.0.7
public class GeneralCurve<T> : Curve<T>
where T : Object, INumberBase<T>
Object  →  Curve<T>  →  GeneralCurve<T>

Type Parameters



This class inherits from the Curve class, which provides common properties and methods for all classes that represent two-dimensional curves.

The ValueAt(T) method evaluates the curve at a specific point. SlopeAt(T) evaluates the derivative, and Integral(T, T) evaluates the definite integral over a specified interval. If overridden by a descendant class, the GetDerivative() method returns the Curve that is the derivative of the instance. The FindRoots() method attempts to find one zero of the function using Newton's method.

Curves of this type do not have any parameters. The Parameters collection is always empty.


GeneralCurve<T>(Func<T, T>) Constructs a new GeneralCurve from a function of one variable delegate.
GeneralCurve<T>(Func<T, T>, Func<T, T>) Constructs a new GeneralCurve from a function of one variable delegate with the specified derivative.
GeneralCurve<T>(Func<T, T>, Func<T, T>, Func<T, T>) Constructs a new GeneralCurve from a function of one variable delegate with the specified derivative.


Parameters Gets the collection of parameters that determine the shape of this Curve.
(Inherited from Curve<T>)


Clone Constructs an exact copy of this instance.
(Inherited from Curve<T>)
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
FindRoots Gets the set of X-coordinates where the curve crosses the X-axis.
(Overrides Curve<T>.FindRoots())
GetCurveFitter Returns a CurveFitter object that can be used to fit the curve to data.
(Inherited from Curve<T>)
GetDerivative Returns a Curve that represents the derivative of this Curve.
(Overrides Curve<T>.GetDerivative())
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Integral Gets the definite integral of the curve between the specified X-coordinates.
(Overrides Curve<T>.Integral(T, T))
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
OnParameterChanged Called after a Curve parameter has been changed.
(Inherited from Curve<T>)
OnParameterChanging Called before the value of a curve parameter is changed.
(Inherited from Curve<T>)
SetParameter Sets a curve parameter to the specified value.
(Inherited from Curve<T>)
SlopeAt Gets the slope of the curve at the specified X-coordinate.
(Overrides Curve<T>.SlopeAt(T))
Solve Finds the x value where the curve reaches the specified y value.
(Inherited from Curve<T>)
TangentAt Gets the tangent line to the curve at the specified X-coordinate.
(Inherited from Curve<T>)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
ValueAt Gets the Y-value of the curve at the specified X-coordinate.
(Overrides Curve<T>.ValueAt(T))

See Also