LinearCurveFitter<T> Properties


BestFitParameters Gets the curve parameters corresponding to the best fit.
(Inherited from CurveFitter<T>)
Curve Gets the non-linear curve that is being fitted.
(Overrides CurveFitter<T>.Curve)
InitialGuess Gets or sets the initial value for the iteration.
(Inherited from CurveFitter<T>)
Method Gets or sets the method used to calculate the least-sqaures solution.
Residuals Gets the residuals for the observations.
(Inherited from CurveFitter<T>)
ScaleVector Gets or sets the vector used to scale the curve parameters.
(Inherited from CurveFitter<T>)
StandardError Gets the standard error of the curve fit.
(Inherited from CurveFitter<T>)
WeightFunction Gets or sets the weight function.
(Inherited from CurveFitter<T>)
WeightVector Gets or sets the weight vector.
(Inherited from CurveFitter<T>)
XValues Gets or sets the vector of x-values.
(Inherited from CurveFitter<T>)
YValues Gets or sets the vector of y-values.
(Inherited from CurveFitter<T>)

See Also