IOperations<T> Properties


Comparer Gets the comparer for the operand type.
E Gets the value of e, the base of the natural logarithm.
Epsilon Gets the machine precision of the operand type.
IsInteger Gets whether the number type represents integers.
IsReal Gets whether the number type represents real numbers.
MaxValue Gets the largest finite value of the numeric type.
MinPositiveValue Gets the smallest value that is greater than zero.
MinusOne Returns the value of -1 as an instance of the number type.
MinValue Gets the smallest finite value of the numeric type.
MissingValue Gets the missing value for the operand type.
NaN Gets the Not-a-Number value for the operand type.
NegativeInfinity Gets the value of negative infinity for the operand type.
One Returns the value of 1 as an instance of the number type.
Pi Gets the value of π.
PiOverTwo Gets the value of π/2.
PositiveInfinity Gets the value of positive infinity for the operand type.
SupportsIeee type.
Zero Returns the value of zero as an instance of the number type.

See Also