IRealOperations<T> Methods


Abs Returns the absolute value of a value.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)
Add Adds one value to another.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)
Atan2 Returns the arc tangent of a pair of values.
Ceiling Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a value.
(Inherited from IFractionalOperations<T>)
CompareCompares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than, equal to, or greater than the other.
(Inherited from IComparer<T>)
Cos Returns the cosine of a value.
Cosh Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value.
Divide Divides a value by another.
(Inherited from IDivisionOperations<T, TClosure>)
EqualsDetermines whether the specified objects are equal.
(Inherited from IEqualityComparer<T>)
Exp Returns the exponential of a value.
Floor Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a value.
(Inherited from IFractionalOperations<T>)
FromDouble Converts a Double value to the operand type.
FromInt32 Converts an integer to the operand type.
(Inherited from IRingOperations<T>)
GetHashCodeReturns a hash code for the specified object.
(Inherited from IEqualityComparer<T>)
Log Returns the natural logarithm of a value.
Multiply Multiplies a vector by a scalar.
(Inherited from IVectorSpaceOperations<TScalar, TVector>)
Negate Negates a value.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)
Pow Returns a number raised to a power..
Reciprocal Returns the reciprocal of a value.
(Inherited from IDivisionOperations<T, TClosure>)
Round Rounds a value to the specified number of decimal digits.
(Inherited from IFractionalOperations<T>)
ScaleByPowerOfTwo Scales the specified number by the specified power of two.
(Inherited from IRingOperations<T>)
Sin Returns the sine of a value.
Sinh Returns the hyperbolic sine of a value.
Sqrt Returns the square root of a value.
Subtract Subtracts one value from another.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)
ToInt32 Converts the operand type to an integer.
(Inherited from IRingOperations<T>)

See Also