ComplexDenseSchurDecomposition<T> Class

Represents the Schur decomposition of a complex matrix.


Namespace: Numerics.NET.LinearAlgebra
Assembly: Numerics.NET (in Numerics.NET.dll) Version: 9.1.0
public class ComplexDenseSchurDecomposition<T> : SchurDecomposition<Complex<T>>
Object  →  LinearOperator<Complex<T>>  →  Decomposition<Complex<T>>  →  SchurDecomposition<Complex<T>>  →  ComplexDenseSchurDecomposition<T>

Type Parameters



ComplexDenseSchurDecomposition<T> Constructs a new ComplexDenseSchurDecomposition<T> object.


BaseMatrix Gets the underlying matrix of the decomposition.
(Inherited from Decomposition<T>)
ColumnCount Gets the number of columns in the matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
ColumnIndex Gets or sets the index of labels for the columns of the matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
ComplexEigenvalues Gets the eigenvalues of the matrix as a complex vector.
(Inherited from SchurDecomposition<T>)
Done Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the decomposition has been performed.
(Inherited from Decomposition<T>)
Eigenvalues Gets the eigenvalues of the matrix.
(Inherited from SchurDecomposition<T>)
ElementType Gets the element type of the matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Factors Gets a collection of the matrix factors that make up the decomposition.
(Inherited from SchurDecomposition<T>)
HasComplexEigenvalues Indicates whether the matrix has any complex eigenvalues.
(Inherited from SchurDecomposition<T>)
Overwrite Gets or sets whether the BaseMatrix should be overwritten by its decomposition.
(Inherited from Decomposition<T>)
RowCount Gets the number of rows in the matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
RowIndex Gets or sets the index of labels for the rows of the matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SchurForm Gets the Schur form of the matrix.
(Inherited from SchurDecomposition<T>)
SchurVectors Gets the Schur vectors of the matrix.
(Inherited from SchurDecomposition<T>)


Decompose Calculates the actual eigenvalue decomposition.
(Overrides Decomposition<T>.Decompose())
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
EstimateConditionNumber Calculates an estimate for the condition number of a matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetDeterminant Calculates the determinant of the decomposed matrix.
(Inherited from SchurDecomposition<T>)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetInverse() Calculates the inverse matrix..
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
GetInverse(Boolean) Calculates the inverse of the factorized matrix.
(Inherited from SchurDecomposition<T>)
GetObjectData Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
IsSingular Gets whether the BaseMatrix of this decomposition is singular.
(Inherited from Decomposition<T>)
LeastSquaresSolve(Matrix<T>) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side matrix in the least squares sense.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
LeastSquaresSolve(Vector<T>) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
LeastSquaresSolve(DenseMatrix<T>, Boolean) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense matrix in the least squares sense and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
LeastSquaresSolve(DenseVector<T>, Boolean) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense vector in the least squares sense and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
LeastSquaresSolveInto(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and multiple right-hand sides in the least squares sense.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
LeastSquaresSolveInto(Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and the specified right-hand side in the least squares sense.
(Inherited from Decomposition<T>)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Multiply(Matrix<T>)Applies the linear operator to a matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Multiply(Vector<T>)Applies the linear operator to a vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
MultiplyAndAddAsLeftFactorCore Multiplies the matrix with a vector, adds the scaled result to another scaled vector, and returns the result.
(Inherited from Decomposition<T>)
MultiplyAsLeftCore(TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Multiplies a matrix by the linear operator and returns the result.
(Inherited from Decomposition<T>)
MultiplyAsLeftCore(TransposeOperation, Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Multiplies a vector by the linear operator and returns the result.
(Inherited from Decomposition<T>)
MultiplyTranspose(Matrix<T>)Applies the transpose of the linear operator to a matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
MultiplyTranspose(Vector<T>)Applies the (conjugate) transpose of the linear operator to a vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Rank() Returns the numerical rank of a matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Rank(T) Returns the numerical rank of a matrix using the specified tolerance.
(Inherited from SchurDecomposition<T>)
SetSingular Sets a flag that indicates the underlying matrix of this decomposition is singular.
(Inherited from Decomposition<T>)
Solve(Matrix<T>) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Solve(Vector<T>) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Solve(DenseMatrix<T>, Boolean) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense matrix and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Solve(DenseVector<T>, Boolean) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense vector and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveInto(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and multiple right-hand sides.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveInto(Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and the specified right-hand side.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveInto(TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and multiple right-hand sides.
(Inherited from SchurDecomposition<T>)
SolveInto(TransposeOperation, Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and the specified right-hand side.
(Inherited from SchurDecomposition<T>)
SolveTranspose(Matrix<T>) Solves the transposed system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveTranspose(Vector<T>) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveTranspose(DenseMatrix<T>, Boolean) Solves the transposed system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense matrix and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveTranspose(DenseVector<T>, Boolean) Solves the transposed system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense vector and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveTransposeInto(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and multiple right-hand sides.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveTransposeInto(Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and the specified right-hand side.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)

See Also