TwoSampleTTest Class

Represents a test that the difference between the population means of two samples is equal to a specific value.


Namespace: Numerics.NET.Statistics.Tests
Assembly: Numerics.NET (in Numerics.NET.dll) Version: 9.0.7
public sealed class TwoSampleTTest : TwoSampleTest
Object  →  HypothesisTest  →  TwoSampleTest<Double>  →  TwoSampleTest  →  TwoSampleTTest


Use the TwoSampleTTest class to test the hypothesis that the difference between two population means are equal to a specific value.

The null hypothesis states that the difference between the population means is equal to the specified value.

The test statistic follows a Student's t-distribution, which is used to determine the probability (p-value) that the observed difference is due to random chance.

The test can be either paired or unpaired. In a paired test, each observation in the first sample has a corresponding observation in the second sample.

An example of an unpaired test is one that compares the average height of men and women by choosing random samples of each group. An example of a paired test is one that compares the height of fathers to that of their sons.

This class uses the StudentTDistribution to model the distribution of the test statistic.


The following example demonstrates how to perform a two-sample t-test using the TwoSampleTTest class.

using Numerics.NET.Statistics.Tests;
using Numerics.NET;
using Numerics.NET.DataAnalysis;
using Numerics.NET.Statistics.Distributions;

// Sample data
Vector<double> sample1 = [ 1.2, 2.3, 3.1, 4.5, 5.0 ];
Vector<double> sample2 = [ 2.1, 3.4, 2.8, 4.0, 4.9 ];

// Perform the test
TwoSampleTTest test = new TwoSampleTTest(sample1, sample2);
double statistic = test.Statistic;
double pValue = test.GetPValue(HypothesisType.TwoTailed);

// Output the results
Console.WriteLine($"Test Statistic: {statistic}");
Console.WriteLine($"P-Value: {pValue}");


TwoSampleTTest() Constructs a new unpaired TwoSampleTTest for the specified samples.
TwoSampleTTest(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>) Constructs a new unpaired TwoSampleTTest for the specified vector.
TwoSampleTTest(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>, Double) Constructs a new unpaired TwoSampleTTest for the specified samples.
TwoSampleTTest(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>, SamplePairing, Boolean) Constructs a new TwoSampleTTest for the specified vector.
TwoSampleTTest(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>, Double, SamplePairing, Boolean, HypothesisType) Constructs a new TwoSampleTTest for the specified vector.
TwoSampleTTest(Int32, Double, Double, Int32, Double, Double, Double, SamplePairing, Boolean, HypothesisType) Constructs a new unpaired TwoSampleTTest for the specified samples.


AssumeEqualVariances Gets or sets whether the variances of the two samples are assumed to be equal.
Count1 Gets or sets the number of observations of the first sample.
Count2 Gets or sets the number of observations of the second sample.
DegreesOfFreedom Gets the degrees of freedom of the test.
Difference Gets or sets the proposed difference between the two means.
Distribution Gets the probability distribution used in the hypothesis test.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
HypothesisType Gets or sets whether the test is one or two-tailed.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
Mean1 Gets or sets the mean of the first sample.
Mean2 Gets or sets the mean of the second sample.
Name Gets the name of the hypothesis test.
(Overrides HypothesisTest.Name)
Pairing Gets or sets whether the test is paired or unpaired.
PValue Gets the probability that the test statistic would take on the calculated value under the alternate hypothesis.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
Sample1 Gets or sets the first sample this test is being applied to.
(Inherited from TwoSampleTest<T>)
Sample2 Gets or sets the second sample this test is being applied to.
(Inherited from TwoSampleTest<T>)
SignificanceLevel Gets the significance level used to test the null hypothesis.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
Statistic Gets the value of the test statistic.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
Variance1 Gets or sets the variance of the first sample.
Variance2 Gets or sets the variance of the second sample.


EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
GetConfidenceInterval() Returns the confidence interval for the test parameter for the default confidence level.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
GetConfidenceInterval(Double) Returns the confidence interval for the test parameter for the specified confidence level.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
GetDifferenceEstimate Gets the estimated value of the difference between the two samples.
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetLowerCriticalValue() Gets the lower critical value for the hypothesis test's current significance level.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
GetLowerCriticalValue(Double) Gets the lower critical value for the hypothesis test at the specified significance level.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
GetPValue Gets the probability that the test statistic would take on the calculated value under the specified alternate hypothesis.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
GetUpperCriticalValue() Gets the upper critical value for the test statistic at the hypothesis test's current significance level.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
GetUpperCriticalValue(Double) Gets the upper critical value for the test statistic at the specified significance level.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
Reject() Returns whether the null hypothesis is rejected using the default significance level.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
Reject(Double) Returns whether the null hypothesis is rejected using the specified significance level.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
Summarize() Returns a string containing a human-readable summary of the object.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
Summarize(SummaryOptions) Returns a string containing a human-readable summary of the object using the specified options.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from HypothesisTest)

See Also