LinearCurveFitter Properties


BestFitParameters Gets the curve parameters corresponding to the best fit.
(Inherited from CurveFitter)
Curve Gets the non-linear curve that is being fitted.
(Overrides CurveFitter.Curve)
InitialGuess Gets or sets the initial value for the iteration.
(Inherited from CurveFitter)
Method Gets or sets the method used to calculate the least-sqaures solution.
Residuals Gets the residuals for the observations.
(Inherited from CurveFitter)
ScaleVector Gets or sets the vector used to scale the curve parameters.
(Inherited from CurveFitter)
StandardError Gets the standard error of the curve fit.
(Inherited from CurveFitter)
WeightFunction Gets or sets the weight function.
(Inherited from CurveFitter)
WeightVector Gets or sets the weight vector.
(Inherited from CurveFitter)
XValues Gets or sets the vector of x-values.
(Inherited from CurveFitter)
YValues Gets or sets the vector of y-values.
(Inherited from CurveFitter)

See Also