Decomposition<T> Properties


BaseMatrix Gets the underlying matrix of the decomposition.
ColumnCount Gets the number of columns in the matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
ColumnIndex Gets or sets the index of labels for the columns of the matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Done Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the decomposition has been performed.
ElementType Gets the element type of the matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Factors Gets a collection of the matrix factors that make up the decomposition.
Overwrite Gets or sets whether the BaseMatrix should be overwritten by its decomposition.
RowCount Gets the number of rows in the matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
RowIndex Gets or sets the index of labels for the rows of the matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)

See Also