ComplexDenseGeneralizedSchurDecomposition<T> Properties


BaseMatrix Gets the primary underlying matrix of the decomposition.
(Inherited from GeneralizedDecomposition<T>)
ComplexEigenvalueNumerators Gets the numerators of the eigenvalues as a complex vector.
(Inherited from GeneralizedSchurDecomposition<T>)
ComplexEigenvalues Gets the eigenvalues as a complex vector.
(Inherited from GeneralizedSchurDecomposition<T>)
Done Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the decomposition has been performed.
(Inherited from GeneralizedDecomposition<T>)
EigenvalueDenominators Gets the denominators of the eigenvalues.
(Inherited from GeneralizedSchurDecomposition<T>)
EigenvalueNumerators Gets the numerators of the eigenvalues.
(Inherited from GeneralizedSchurDecomposition<T>)
Eigenvalues Gets the eigenvalues.
(Inherited from GeneralizedSchurDecomposition<T>)
HasComplexEigenvalues Indicates whether the matrix has complex eigenvalue.
(Inherited from GeneralizedSchurDecomposition<T>)
LeftSchurVectors Gets the left Schur vectors of the decomposition.
(Inherited from GeneralizedSchurDecomposition<T>)
Overwrite Gets or sets whether the BaseMatrix should be overwritten by its decomposition.
(Inherited from GeneralizedDecomposition<T>)
RightSchurVectors Gets the right Schur vectors of the decomposition.
(Inherited from GeneralizedSchurDecomposition<T>)
SchurForm1 Gets the Schur form of the first matrix.
(Inherited from GeneralizedSchurDecomposition<T>)
SchurForm2 Gets the Schur form of the second matrix.
(Inherited from GeneralizedSchurDecomposition<T>)
SecondaryBaseMatrix Gets the secondary underlying matrix of the decomposition.
(Inherited from GeneralizedDecomposition<T>)

See Also