GeneralizedSchurDecomposition<T> Properties


BaseMatrix Gets the primary underlying matrix of the decomposition.
(Inherited from GeneralizedDecomposition<T>)
ComplexEigenvalueNumerators Gets the numerators of the eigenvalues as a complex vector.
ComplexEigenvalues Gets the eigenvalues as a complex vector.
Done Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the decomposition has been performed.
(Inherited from GeneralizedDecomposition<T>)
EigenvalueDenominators Gets the denominators of the eigenvalues.
EigenvalueNumerators Gets the numerators of the eigenvalues.
Eigenvalues Gets the eigenvalues.
HasComplexEigenvalues Indicates whether the matrix has complex eigenvalue.
LeftSchurVectors Gets the left Schur vectors of the decomposition.
Overwrite Gets or sets whether the BaseMatrix should be overwritten by its decomposition.
(Inherited from GeneralizedDecomposition<T>)
RightSchurVectors Gets the right Schur vectors of the decomposition.
SchurForm1 Gets the Schur form of the first matrix.
SchurForm2 Gets the Schur form of the second matrix.
SecondaryBaseMatrix Gets the secondary underlying matrix of the decomposition.
(Inherited from GeneralizedDecomposition<T>)

See Also