ParticleSwarmOptimizer Constructor


Namespace: Numerics.NET.Optimization
Assembly: Numerics.NET (in Numerics.NET.dll) Version: 9.1.0

Overload List


Constructs a new ParticleSwarmOptimizer class.
public ParticleSwarmOptimizer()

ParticleSwarmOptimizer(Func<Vector<Double>, Double>, Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>, Random, Int32, Double, Double, Double, Double, PopulationInitializationMethod, Double, Int32, ParticleSwarmTopology, Int32)

Constructs a new Particle Swarm optimizer with specified parameters.
public ParticleSwarmOptimizer(
	Func<Vector<double>, double> objectiveFunction,
	Vector<double> lowerBounds,
	Vector<double> upperBounds,
	Random? random = null,
	int populationMultiplier = 10,
	double inertiaWeight = 0.729,
	double cognitiveCoefficient = 1.49445,
	double socialCoefficient = 1.49445,
	double maxVelocity = 4,
	PopulationInitializationMethod initializationMethod = PopulationInitializationMethod.Random,
	double populationDiversityTolerance = 0.0001,
	int stagnationLimit = 20,
	ParticleSwarmTopology topology = default,
	int maxIterations = 8192


objectiveFunction  Func<Vector<Double>, Double>
The objective function to optimize.
lowerBounds  Vector<Double>
The lower bounds for each parameter.
upperBounds  Vector<Double>
The upper bounds for each parameter.
random  Random  (Optional)
Optional. A random number generator to use. The default is DefaultRandomNumberGenerator.
populationMultiplier  Int32  (Optional)
Optional. A multiplier for the population size. The total population is the number of free parameters times this value. The default is 10.
inertiaWeight  Double  (Optional)
Optional. The inertia weight (ω) used to control impact of previous velocities. The default is 0.729 (Clerc's constriction coefficient).
cognitiveCoefficient  Double  (Optional)
Optional. The cognitive coefficient (c1) controlling influence of personal best. The default is 1.49445.
socialCoefficient  Double  (Optional)
Optional. The social coefficient (c2) controlling influence of global best. The default is 1.49445.
maxVelocity  Double  (Optional)
Optional. Maximum velocity factor as proportion of search space. The default is 4.0.
initializationMethod  PopulationInitializationMethod  (Optional)
Optional. The method used to initialize population. The default is Random.
populationDiversityTolerance  Double  (Optional)
Optional. Tolerance for population diversity test. The default is 1e-4.
stagnationLimit  Int32  (Optional)
Optional. Number of iterations without improvement before declaring stagnation. The default is 20.
topology  ParticleSwarmTopology  (Optional)
Optional. The topology of the particle swarm. The default is Global.
maxIterations  Int32  (Optional)
Optional. Maximum number of iterations. The default is 8192.

See Also