ParticleSwarmTopology.Global Property

Returns the global topology where each particle is influenced by every other particle.


Namespace: Numerics.NET.Optimization
Assembly: Numerics.NET (in Numerics.NET.dll) Version: 9.1.0
public static ParticleSwarmTopology Global { get; }

Property Value



In the global topology, each particle in the swarm is connected to every other particle. This means that the information about the best positions found by any particle is shared with all other particles in the swarm.

The global topology promotes rapid convergence because particles quickly learn from the best-performing particles. This can be advantageous in unimodal optimization problems where the global optimum is the primary target.

However, the global topology can lead to premature convergence, especially in multimodal optimization problems. Since all particles are influenced by the best particle, the swarm may converge to a local optimum without adequately exploring other regions of the search space.

The global topology is appropriate for problems where the search space is relatively simple and the global optimum is the main objective. It is less suitable for complex, multimodal problems where maintaining diversity and avoiding premature convergence are crucial.

See Also