QuadraticProgram Methods


AddBinaryVariable(String) Adds a binary variable to the collection.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
AddBinaryVariable(String, Double) Adds a binary variable to the collection.
(Inherited from LinearProgram)
AddIntegerVariable(String) Adds an integer variable to the collection.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
AddIntegerVariable(String, Double) Adds a binary variable to the collection.
(Inherited from LinearProgram)
AddIntegerVariable(String, Int32, Int32) Adds a binary variable to the collection.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
AddIntegerVariable(String, Double, Int32, Int32) Adds a binary variable to the collection.
(Inherited from LinearProgram)
AddLinearConstraint(String, ConstraintType, Double) Adds a linear constraint to the optimization model.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
AddLinearConstraint(String, Double, Double) Adds a linear constraint to the optimization model.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
AddLinearConstraint(IList<DecisionVariable>, IList<Double>, ConstraintType, Double) Adds a linear constraint to the optimization model.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
AddLinearConstraint(String, IList<Double>, ConstraintType, Double) Adds a linear constraint to the optimization model.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
AddLinearConstraint(String, IList<Double>, Double, Double) Adds a linear constraint to the optimization model.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
AddLinearConstraint(String, IList<DecisionVariable>, IList<Double>, ConstraintType, Double) Adds a linear constraint to the optimization model.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
AddVariable(String) Adds a variable to the collection.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
AddVariable(String, Double) Adds a variable to the collection.
(Inherited from LinearProgram)
AddVariable(String, Double, Double) Adds a variable to the collection.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
AddVariable(String, Double, Double, Double) Adds a variable to the collection.
(Inherited from LinearProgram)
CreateLinearConstraints(Matrix<Double>, Vector<Double>, Int32) Creates linear constraints based on the specified coefficients.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
CreateLinearConstraints(Vector<Double>, Matrix<Double>, Vector<Double>) Creates linear constraints based on the specified coefficients and bounds.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetCoefficientMatrix Returns a matrix containing the coefficients of the constraints.
(Inherited from LinearProgram)
GetDualSolution Gets the solution to the dual problem of the linear program.
(Inherited from LinearProgram)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetObjective Gets a vector that contains the coefficients of the linear objective function.
(Inherited from LinearProgram)
GetSolution Gets the solution to the optimization model.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
OnAddConstraint Notifies the optimization model that a constraint has been added.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
OnAddVariable Notifies the optimization model that a variable has been added.
(Overrides OptimizationModel.OnAddVariable(DecisionVariable))
OnRemoveAllConstraints Notifies the optimization model that all constraints has been removed.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
OnRemoveAllVariables Notifies the optimization model that all variables has been removed.
(Overrides OptimizationModel.OnRemoveAllVariables())
OnRemoveConstraint Notifies the optimization model that a constraint has been removed.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
OnRemoveVariable Notifies the optimization model that a variable has been removed.
(Overrides OptimizationModel.OnRemoveVariable(DecisionVariable))
SetQuadraticCoefficient(DecisionVariable, DecisionVariable, Double) Sets the coefficient of the quadratic term for the specified variables.
SetQuadraticCoefficient(String, String, Double) Sets the coefficient of the quadratic term for the specified variables.
Solve() Solves the model and returns the solution.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
Solve(SimplexOptions, ParallelOptions) Solves a linear program with the specified options.
(Inherited from LinearProgram)
Solve(OptimizationGoal, ParallelOptions, Double) Solves a linear program with the specified options.
(Inherited from LinearProgram)
SolveModel Solves the quadratic program and returns the primal solution.
(Overrides LinearProgram.SolveModel())
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)

See Also