SimulatedAnnealingOptimizer Constructor


Namespace: Numerics.NET.Optimization
Assembly: Numerics.NET (in Numerics.NET.dll) Version: 9.1.0

Overload List


Constructs a new Simulated Annealing optimizer.
public SimulatedAnnealingOptimizer()

SimulatedAnnealingOptimizer(Func<Vector<Double>, Double>, Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>, Random, Double, Double, Double, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32)

Constructs a new Simulated Annealing optimizer.
public SimulatedAnnealingOptimizer(
	Func<Vector<double>, double> objectiveFunction,
	Vector<double> lowerBounds,
	Vector<double> upperBounds,
	Random random = null,
	double initialTemperature = 100,
	double minTemperature = 1E-08,
	double coolingRate = 0.95,
	int temperatureLength = 100,
	double neighborhoodSize = 0.1,
	int stagnationLimit = 1000,
	int maxIterations = 10000


objectiveFunction  Func<Vector<Double>, Double>
The objective function to optimize.
lowerBounds  Vector<Double>
The lower bounds for each parameter.
upperBounds  Vector<Double>
The upper bounds for each parameter.
random  Random  (Optional)
initialTemperature  Double  (Optional)
Initial temperature for annealing process.
minTemperature  Double  (Optional)
Minimum temperature at which to stop.
coolingRate  Double  (Optional)
Rate at which temperature decreases (0,1).
temperatureLength  Int32  (Optional)
Number of iterations at each temperature.
neighborhoodSize  Double  (Optional)
Size of neighborhood for generating new solutions (0,1).
stagnationLimit  Int32  (Optional)
Maximum iterations without improvement before terminating.
maxIterations  Int32  (Optional)
Maximum number of iterations.

See Also