Shuffler Methods


Shuffle<T>(IList<T>) Puts the members of a collection in random order.
Shuffle<T>(T[]) Puts the members of an array in random order.
Shuffle<T>(Span<T>) Puts the elements of a span in random order.
Shuffle<T>(IList<T>, Random) Puts the members of a collection in a random order.
Shuffle<T>(T[], Random) Puts the members of an array in a random order.
Shuffle<T>(Span<T>, Random) Puts the elements of a span in a random order.
Shuffle<T>(IList<T>, Int32, Int32, Random) Puts the members of a collection in a random order.
Shuffle<T>(T[], Int32, Int32, Random) Puts the members of an array in a random order.

See Also