Descriptives<T> Properties


CentralSumOfSquares Gets the sum of squares around the mean.
Count Gets the number of actual values.
FirstQuartile Gets the first quartile.
HasCategoricalDescriptives Gets whether the current instance contains statistics for categorical data.
HasNumericalDescriptives Gets whether the current instance contains statistics for numerical data.
HasQuartiles Gets whether the current instance contains quartiles.
Kurtosis Gets the biased kurtosis (supplement).
Maximum Gets the largest value.
Mean Gets the mean.
Median Gets the median.
Minimum Gets the smallest value.
MissingCount Gets the number of missing values.
Mode Gets the value that occurs most often.
ModeCount Gets the num
Range Gets the difference between the largest and the smallest value.
Skewness Gets the biased skewness.
StandardDeviation Gets the unbiased standard deviation.
SumOfSquares Gets the sum of squares.
ThirdQuartile Gets the third quartile.
Unique Gets the number of unique elements, excluding missing values.
Variance Gets the unbiased variance.

See Also