Tensor<T> Methods


AbsInPlace Computes the absolute value of the elements of a tensor in place.
AcoshInPlace Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a tensor in place.
AcosInPlace Computes the inverse cosine of the elements of a tensor in place.
AddInPlace(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Adds a tensor and a scalar in-place.
AddInPlace(Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Adds two tensors in place.
All<TPredicate>(TPredicate, Tensor<Boolean>, Boolean) Computes whether all elements of the tensor satisfy the specified predicate.
All<TPredicate>(TPredicate, Axes, Tensor<Boolean>, Boolean, Tensor<Boolean>, Boolean, TensorElementOrder) Computes whether all elements of the tensor along the specified axis satisfy the specified predicate.
AndInPlace(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the bitwise and of a tensor and a scalar in-place.
AndInPlace(Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the bitwise and of two tensors in place.
Any<TPredicate>(TPredicate, Tensor<Boolean>, Boolean) Computes whether any elements of the tensor satisfy the specified predicate.
Any<TPredicate>(TPredicate, Axes, Tensor<Boolean>, Boolean, Tensor<Boolean>, Boolean, TensorElementOrder) Computes whether any elements of the tensor along the specified axis satisfy the specified predicate.
As<U>() Casts the tensor as a tensor of the specified type.
As<U, TTransform>() Casts the tensor as a tensor of the specified type.
AsinhInPlace Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of the elements of a tensor in place.
AsinInPlace Computes the inverse sine of the elements of a tensor in place.
AsMatrix Returns the tensor as a matrix.
AsVector Returns the tensor as a vector.
Atan2InPlace(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the inverse tangent of the elements of a tensor and a scalar. in-place.
Atan2InPlace(Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the inverse tangent of the elements of two tensors in place.
AtanhInPlace Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a tensor in place.
AtanInPlace Computes the inverse tangent of the elements of a tensor in place.
BroadcastTo Broadcasts the current tensor into the specified shape
CeilingInPlace Computes the smallest integer that is not greater than the elements of a tensor in place.
CloneEmpty(TensorElementOrder) Returns a tensor of the same shape and order of elements as this tensor.
CloneEmpty<U>(TensorElementOrder) Returns a tensor of the same shape and order of elements as this tensor.
Copy Returns a copy of the tensor.
CopyFrom Copies the contents of this tensor to another tensor.
CopyTo Copies the contents of this tensor to another tensor.
CoshInPlace Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a tensor in place.
CosInPlace Computes the cosine of the elements of a tensor in place.
CumulativeProductInPlace Computes the cumulative product of the elements of a tensor in place.
CumulativeSumInPlace Computes the cumulative sum of the elements of a tensor in place.
DivideInPlace(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Divides a tensor by a scalar in-place.
DivideInPlace(Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Divides one tensor by another in place.
Equals(Object)Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Overrides Object.Equals(Object))
Equals(Tensor<T>)Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
Equals(Tensor<T>, IEqualityComparer)Determines whether an object is structurally equal to the current instance.
Exp10InPlace Computes the exponential function (base 10) of the elements of a tensor in place.
Exp2InPlace Computes the exponential function (base 2) of the elements of a tensor in place.
ExpInPlace Computes the exponential function of the elements of a tensor in place.
ExpM1InPlace Computes the exponential function of the elements of a tensor in place.
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Find() Gets the linearized indexes of the elements of the tensor that are not zero.
Find(Func<T, Boolean>) Gets the linearized indexes where the elements of the tensor satisfy the specified predicate.
FloorInPlace Computes the largest integer that is not less than the elements of a tensor in place.
GetDiagonal Gets the elements on the diagonal of a 2-dimensional tensor.
GetEnumerator Gets an enumerator for the tensor.
GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this tensor.
(Overrides Object.GetHashCode())
GetLength(Index) Gets the length of the tensor along the specified axis.
GetLength(Int32) Gets the length of the tensor along the specified axis.
GetMatrices Gets a sequence of the matrices formed by the last two dimensions of the tensor.
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
GetValue(Index) Gets the value at the specified position in a 1D tensor.
GetValue(Index[]) Gets the element at the specified position.
GetValue(Int32) Gets the value at the specified index in a 1D tensor.
GetValue(Int32[]) Gets the element at the specified position.
GetValue(ReadOnlySpan<Index>) Gets the element at the specified position.
GetValue(ReadOnlySpan<Int32>) Gets the element at the specified position.
GetValue(Index, Index) Gets the value at the specified position in a 2D tensor.
GetValue(Int32, Int32) Gets the value at the specified position in a 2D tensor.
GetValue(Index, Index, Index) Gets the value at the specified position in a 3D tensor.
GetValue(Int32, Int32, Int32) Gets the value at the specified position in a 2D tensor.
GetValue(Index, Index, Index, Index) Gets the value at the specified position in a 4D tensor.
GetValue(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Gets the value at the specified position in a 4D tensor.
GetValueAt Gets the element at the specified position.
HypotInPlace(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the square root of the sum of the squares of the elements of a tensor and a scalar. in-place.
HypotInPlace(Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the square root of the sum of the squares of the elements of two tensors in place.
InsertAxis(Index) Inserts a singleton dimension at the specified position.
InsertAxis(Int32) Inserts a singleton dimension at the specified position.
LeftShiftInPlace(Int32, Tensor<Boolean>) Shifts the elements of a tensor to the left. in-place.
LeftShiftInPlace(Tensor<Int32>, Tensor<Boolean>) Shifts the elements of a tensor to the left in place.
Log10InPlace Computes the base 10 logarithm of the elements of a tensor in place.
Log1pInPlace Computes the logarithm of the elements of a tensor in place.
Log2InPlace Computes the base 2 logarithm of the elements of a tensor in place.
LogInPlace Computes the logarithm of the elements of a tensor in place.
Map<TResult> Applies a function to the elements of the tensor and returns the result in a second tensor.
MapInPlace Applies a function to the elements of a tensor in-place.
MaxInPlace(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the maximum of the elements of a tensor and a scalar. in-place.
MaxInPlace(Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the largest of corresponding elements of two tensors in place.
MaxNumberInPlace(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the maximum of the elements of a tensor and a scalar. in-place.
MaxNumberInPlace(Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the largest of corresponding elements of two tensors without propagating NaN's (where applicable) in place.
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
MinInPlace(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the minimum of the elements of a tensor and a scalar. in-place.
MinInPlace(Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the smallest of corresponding elements of two tensors in place.
MinNumberInPlace(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the minimum of the elements of a tensor and a scalar. in-place.
MinNumberInPlace(Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the smallest of corresponding elements of two tensors without propagating NaN's (where applicable) in place.
ModulusInPlace(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the remainder after dividing a tensor by a scalar in-place.
ModulusInPlace(Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Returns the remainder after dividing one tensor by another in place.
MoveAxes(Int32[]) Moves a set of axes to new positions in a tensor.
MoveAxes(ReadOnlySpan<Int32>) Moves a set of axes to new positions in a tensor.
MoveAxes(Int32[], Int32[]) Moves a set of axes to new positions in a tensor.
MoveAxes(ReadOnlySpan<Int32>, ReadOnlySpan<Int32>) Moves a set of axes to new positions in a tensor.
MoveAxis Moves an axis to a new position in a tensor.
MultiplyInPlace(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Multiplies a tensor and a scalar in-place.
MultiplyInPlace(Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Multiplies two tensors in place.
NegateInPlace Negates a tensor in place.
NotInPlace Computes the bitwise complement of a tensor in place.
OrInPlace(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the bitwise or of a tensor and a scalar in-place.
OrInPlace(Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the bitwise or of two tensors in place.
PowInPlace(Int32, Tensor<Boolean>) Raises the elements of a tensor to an integer power. in-place.
PowInPlace(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Raises the elements of a tensor to a power. in-place.
PowInPlace(Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Raises the elements of a tensor to a power in place.
PowInPlace(Tensor<Int32>, Tensor<Boolean>) Raises the elements of a tensor to an integer power in place.
ReciprocalInPlace Computes the reciprocal of the elements of a tensor in place.
RemoveSingletonAxis(Index) Returns a tensor with the same values but with the specified unit dimension removed.
RemoveSingletonAxis(Int32) Returns a tensor with the same values but with the specified unit dimension removed.
Reshape(Int32[]) Reshapes the tensor to have the specified dimensions.
Reshape(TensorShape, TensorElementOrder) Reshapes the tensor to have the specified dimensions.
RightShiftInPlace(Int32, Tensor<Boolean>) Shifts the elements of a tensor to the right. in-place.
RightShiftInPlace(Tensor<Int32>, Tensor<Boolean>) Shifts the elements of a tensor to the right in place.
RoundInPlace(Int32, Tensor<Boolean>) Rounds the elements of a tensor to the specified number of digits. in-place.
RoundInPlace(Tensor<Int32>, Tensor<Boolean>) Rounds the elements of a tensor to the specified number of digits in place.
SetValue(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Sets all elements of the tensor to the specified value.
SetValue(T, Index) Sets the value at the specified index in a 1D tensor.
SetValue(T, Index[]) Sets the element at the specified position to the specified value.
SetValue(T, Int32) Sets the value at the specified index in a 1D tensor.
SetValue(T, Int32[]) Sets the element at the specified position to the specified value.
SetValue(T, ReadOnlySpan<Index>) Sets the element at the specified position to the specified value.
SetValue(T, ReadOnlySpan<Int32>) Sets the element at the specified position to the specified value.
SetValue(T, Index, Index) Sets the value at the specified position in a 2D tensor.
SetValue(T, Int32, Int32) Sets the value at the specified position in a 2D tensor.
SetValue(T, Index, Index, Index) Sets the value at the specified position in a 3D tensor.
SetValue(T, Int32, Int32, Int32) Sets the value at the specified position in a 3D tensor.
SetValue(T, Index, Index, Index, Index) Sets the value at the specified position in a 4D tensor.
SetValue(T, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Sets the value at the specified position in a 4D tensor.
SetValueAt Sets the element at the specified linear position to the specified value.
SinhInPlace Computes the hyperbolic sine of the elements of a tensor in place.
SinInPlace Computes the sine of the elements of a tensor in place.
SortInPlace(Index, Tensor<Boolean>) Sorts the elements of a tensor in place.
SortInPlace(Index, IComparer<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Sorts the elements of a tensor in place.
SqrtInPlace Computes the square root of the elements of a tensor in place.
SubtractInPlace(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Subtracts a scalar from a scalar in-place.
SubtractInPlace(Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Subtracts one tensor from another in place.
SwapAxes(Index, Index) Interchanges two axes of the tensor.
SwapAxes(Int32, Int32) Interchanges two axes of the tensor.
TanhInPlace Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a tensor in place.
TanInPlace Computes the tangent of the elements of a tensor in place.
ToArray Gets the elements of the tensor as an array in the specified order.
ToString()Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Overrides Object.ToString())
ToString(String) Converts the numeric value of this tensor instance to its equivalent string representation, using the specified format.
ToString(String, IFormatProvider) Returns a String representation of this tensor.
Transform<TResult>(Func<T, TResult>) Returns a tensor that lazily applies the specified operation to each element of the current tensor.
Transform<TTransformation, TResult>(TTransformation) Returns a tensor that lazily applies the specified operation to each element of the current tensor.
Transpose Swaps the last two dimensions of the tensor and returns the result.
TruncateInPlace Truncates the elements of a tensor to the nearest integer in place.
XorInPlace(T, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the bitwise xor of a tensor and a scalar in-place.
XorInPlace(Tensor<T>, Tensor<Boolean>) Computes the bitwise xor of two tensors in place.

Extension Methods

AbsoluteMax<T> Computes the element with the largest absolute value of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
AbsoluteMax<T> Computes the element with the largest absolute value of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
AbsoluteMaxIndex<T> Computes the index of the elements of a tensor with the largest absolute value along the specified axis.
(Defined by Tensor)
AbsoluteMin<T> Computes the element with the smallest absolute value of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
AbsoluteMin<T> Computes the element with the smallest absolute value of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
AbsoluteMinIndex<T> Computes the index of the elements of a tensor with the smallest absolute value along the specified axis.
(Defined by Tensor)
Correlation<T> Computes the correlation of the corresponding elements of two tensors.
(Defined by Tensor)
CosineSimilarity<T> Computes the cosine similarity of the corresponding elements of two tensors.
(Defined by Tensor)
Covariance<T> Computes the covariance of the corresponding elements of two tensors.
(Defined by Tensor)
DotProduct<T> Computes the dot product of the corresponding elements of two tensors.
(Defined by Tensor)
EuclideanDistance<T> Computes the Euclidean distance of the corresponding elements of two tensors.
(Defined by Tensor)
Group<T> Returns a grouping by the unique elements in a sequence.
(Defined by Grouping)
Group<T> Returns a grouping by the unique elements in a sequence using the specified comparer to determine equality.
(Defined by Grouping)
Max<T> Computes the maxima of the elements of a tensor along the specified axis.
(Defined by Tensor)
MaxIndex<T> Computes the index of the largest elements of a tensor along the specified axis.
(Defined by Tensor)
MaxValue<T> Computes the largest element of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
MaxValue<T> Computes the largest element of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
Mean<T> Computes the mean of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
Mean<T> Computes the mean of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
Median<T> Computes the mean of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
Median<T> Computes the mean of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
Min<T> Computes the minima of the elements of a tensor along the specified axis.
(Defined by Tensor)
MinIndex<T> Computes the index of the smallest elements of a tensor along the specified axis.
(Defined by Tensor)
MinValue<T> Computes the smallest element of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
MinValue<T> Computes the smallest element of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
Norm<T> Computes the two-norm of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
Norm<T> Computes the two-norm of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
OneNorm<T> Computes the sum of the absolute values of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
OneNorm<T> Computes the sum of the absolute values of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
Product<T> Computes the product of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
Product<T> Computes the product of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
StandardDeviation<T> Returns the standard deviation of the elements of a sequence.
(Defined by Stats)
StandardDeviation<T> Computes the standard deviation of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
StandardDeviation<T> Computes the standard deviation of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
Sum<T> Computes the sum of the sequence of values.
(Defined by ArrayMath)
Sum<T> Computes the sum of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
Sum<T> Computes the sum of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
Sum<T, U> Computes the sum of the sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
(Defined by ArrayMath)
Variance<T> Computes the variance of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)
Variance<T> Computes the variance of the elements of a tensor.
(Defined by Tensor)

See Also