ComplexConjugateSignalVector<T> Class

Represents a complex vector that is the Fourier transform of a real signal.


Namespace: Numerics.NET.SignalProcessing
Assembly: Numerics.NET (in Numerics.NET.dll) Version: 9.1.0
public sealed class ComplexConjugateSignalVector<T> : Vector<Complex<T>>
Object  →  Vector<Complex<T>>  →  ComplexConjugateSignalVector<T>

Type Parameters



Use the ComplexConjugateSignalVector<T> class to represent complex vectors that result from computing the Fourier transform of a real signal. The vectors show a conjugate symmetry about the middle element.

Care should be taken when modifying the components of a complex conjugate signal vector. Setting a component also sets the conjugate component. Iterating through the entire vector to perform an operation may result in performing the operation twice.


ComplexConjugateSignalVector<T> Constructs a new ComplexConjugateSignalVector<T> object.


Attributes Gets attributes associated with the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CanReshape Gets whether the vector can be reshaped into a matrix.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Count Gets the number of items that are not missing.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ElementType Gets the element type of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
FormatString Gets or sets the format to use for each element when creating a string representation of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Index Gets or sets the index of labels for the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
IsImmutable Gets whether the vector's elements are immutable.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
IsReadOnly Gets whether the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
IsSparse Gets a value that indicates whether the vector is sparse.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Item[Func<T, Boolean>] Gets or sets the elements of a vector that match the specified condition.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Item[IEnumerable<Int32>] Gets or sets the elements of the vector with the specified indexes.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Item[Index] Gets or sets a specific element of this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Item[Int32] Gets or sets a specific element of this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Item[Range] Gets or sets a range of elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Item[Range] Gets or sets a range of elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Item[Vector<Boolean>] Gets or sets the elements of a vector that match the specified condition.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Length Gets the number of elements in the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MayHaveMissingValues Gets or sets whether the vector may contain missing values that require special handling in calculations.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MissingValue Gets or sets the value that is used to represent missing values.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MissingValueRepresentation Gets how missing values are represented in the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Name Gets or sets the name of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
NonzeroCount Gets the number of nonzero elements in the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
NonzeroElements Gets a collection of IndexValuePair<T> objects representing the nonzero elements of this instance.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Precedence Infrastructure. This property supports the Numerics.NET infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)


AbsInPlace Computes the absolute values of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AbsoluteMaxIndex Returns the index of the element in this vector that has the largest absolute value.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AbsoluteMinIndex Returns the index of the element in this vector that has the smallest absolute value.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Accumulate<TAccumulator>(TAccumulator) Adds the elements of the vector to the specified accumulator.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Accumulate<TAccumulator>(TAccumulator, Int32, Int32) Adds the elements of the vector to the specified accumulator.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AccumulateWhere<TAccumulator, TPredicate>(TAccumulator, TPredicate) Adds the elements of the vector that match a predicate to the specified accumulator.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AccumulateWhere<TAccumulator, TPredicate>(TAccumulator, TPredicate, Int32, Int32) Adds the elements of the vector that match a predicate to the specified accumulator.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AcoshInPlace Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AcosInPlace Computes the inverse cosine of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AddInPlace(T) Adds a constant to a vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AddInPlace(Vector<T>) Adds another vector to this vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AddProductInPlace(LinearOperator<T>, Vector<T>) Adds the product of a matrix and a Vector<T> to this Vector<T>.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AddProductInPlace(LinearOperator<T>, TransposeOperation, Vector<T>) Adds the product of a matrix and a Vector<T> to this Vector<T>.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AddScaledInPlace Adds a scaled vector to this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AddScaledProductInPlace(T, LinearOperator<T>, Vector<T>) Adds the scaled product of a matrix and a Vector<T> to this Vector<T>.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AddScaledProductInPlace(T, LinearOperator<T>, TransposeOperation, Vector<T>) Adds the scaled product of a matrix and a vector in-place to a vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Aggregate(TypePreservingAggregatorGroup) Applies the specified aggregator to the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Aggregate(TypePreservingAggregatorGroup, Boolean) Applies the specified aggregator to the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Aggregate<TResult>(AggregatorGroup<TResult>) Applies the specified aggregator to the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Aggregate<TResult>(Aggregator<T, TResult>, Nullable<Boolean>) Applies the specified aggregator to the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Aggregate<TResult>(AggregatorGroup<TResult>, Boolean) Applies the specified aggregator to the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AggregateBy(IGrouping, TypePreservingAggregatorGroup) Returns a new vector that aggregates the columns according to the specified grouping.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AggregateBy<U>(IGrouping, Aggregator<T, U>) Aggregates the vector according to the specified grouping.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AggregateBy<U>(IGrouping, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new vector that aggregates the columns according to the specified grouping.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AggregateBy<U>(IPivot, Aggregator<T, U>) Returns a new matrix that aggregates the elements according to the specified pivot grouping.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AggregateBy<U>(IPivot, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new matrix that aggregates the elements according to the specified pivot grouping.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
All Returns whether all the elements of the vector satisfy a condition.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Any Returns whether any of the elements of the vector satisfy a condition.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AsCategorical(Index<T>) Returns a categorical vector containing the same data as this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AsCategorical(SortOrder) Returns a categorical vector containing the same data as this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AsDenseVector() Returns this vector as a dense vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AsIndex Converts a vector to an index.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AsinhInPlace Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AsinInPlace Computes the inverse sine of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AtanhInPlace Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
AtanInPlace Computes the inverse tangent of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Broadcast Broadcasts the elements of the vector along the specified dimension.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
BroadcastInto Broadcasts the elements of the vector along the specified dimension.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
By<K> Enables accessing elements of an indexed vector using strongly typed indexes.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Cast<U> Casts the elements of the vector to the specified type.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CastInto<U> Casts the elements of the vector to the specified type.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CeilingInPlace Computes the smallest integers greater than the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Clone() Makes a copy of this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Clone(CloningMethod) Makes a copy of this vector using the specified method.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CloneData If possible, gives this instance its own copy of its elements.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Conjugate() Conjugates the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ConjugateDotProduct Returns the dot product of this vector with another vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ConjugateInPlace Conjugates all elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CopyTo(ArraySlice<T>) Copies the elements of this vector to an array.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CopyTo(IVector) Copies the elements of this vector to an untyped vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CopyTo(Span<T>) Copies the elements of this vector to a span.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CopyTo(SpanSlice<T>) Copies the elements of this vector to a span slice.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CopyTo(T[]) Copies the elements of this vector to an array.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CopyTo(Vector<T>) Copies the elements of this vector to another vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CopyTo(T[], Int32) Copies the elements of this vector to an array.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CopyTo(Vector<T>, Int32) Copies the elements of this vector to another vector starting at the specified position.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CopyToOrClone Copies the elements of this vector to another vector, if it exists; otherwise clones the vector using the specified method.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CoshInPlace Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CosInPlace Computes the cosine of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CumulativeProduct Gets the product of the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CumulativeProductInPlace Gets the product of the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CumulativeProductInto Gets the product of the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CumulativeSum Gets the sum of the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CumulativeSumInPlace Gets the sum of the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
CumulativeSumInto Gets the cumulative sum of the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Dispose() Releases unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
DivideInPlace Divides a vector in-place by a constant.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
DotProduct Returns the dot product of this vector with another vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ElementwiseDivideInPlace Divides this vector in-place element-wise by another vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ElementwiseMultiplyInPlace Multiplies the components of this instance by the corresponding components of another vector.
(Overrides Vector<T>.ElementwiseMultiplyInPlace(Vector<T>))
ElementwisePowInPlace(Int32) Raises the elements of a vector in-place to a constant power.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ElementwisePowInPlace(T) Raises the elements of a vector in-place to a constant power.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ElementwisePowInPlace(Vector<T>) Raises this vector in-place element-wise by another vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
EnsureWritable() Ensures that every element in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
EnsureWritable(Int32) Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
EnsureWritable(Range) Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
EnsureWritable(Int32, Int32) Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Vector<T>.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Equals(Vector<T>) Determines whether the specified Vector<T> is equal to the current Vector<T>.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Equals(Object, IEqualityComparer) Returns whether an object is structurally equal to this instance.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ExpInPlace Computes the exponential of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Find Enumerates the indexes that match a condition.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
FloorInPlace Computes the largest integers smaller than the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Get<K>(K) Gets the value with the specified key.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Get<K1, K2>(K1, K2) Gets the value at the specified key.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator over the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetHashCode() Returns the hash code for this instance.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer) Returns a hash code for this instance.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetMissingValueIndexMask Gets an integer array that specifies the locations of missing values.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetMissingValueMask Gets a boolean array that specifies the locations of missing values.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetNearest<K> Gets the value in the vector whose key in the index is nearest to the specified key.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetNearestValues<K> Returns a vector containing the items nearest to the specified key values.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetObjectData Populates a SerializationInfo with the values needed to serialize the target object.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetSlice(Int32) Returns a vector whose elements are a subset of the elements of this instance
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetSlice(Range) Returns a vector whose elements are a subset of the elements of this instance
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetSlice(Int32, Int32) Returns a vector whose elements are a subset of the elements of this instance
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetSlice(Range, Intent) Returns a vector whose elements are a subset of the elements of this instance
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetSlice(Slice, Intent) Returns a vector whose elements are a subset of the elements of this instance.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetSlice(Int32, Int32, Intent) Returns a vector whose elements are a subset of the elements of this instance
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetSlice(Int32, Int32, Int32) Returns a vector whose elements are a subset of the elements of this instance
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetSlice(Int32, Int32, Int32, Intent) Returns a vector whose elements are a subset of the elements of this instance.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
GetValue(Int32) Gets the vector element at the specified position.
(Overrides Vector<T>.GetValue(Int32))
GetValue<K>(K) Gets the value at the specified key.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetValues(Subset, Intent) Returns a vector that contains the specified subset of elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetValues(Int32[], Boolean, Intent) Returns a new vector that contains the elements of the vector with the specified indexes.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetValues(ReadOnlySpan<Int32>, Boolean, Intent) Returns a new vector that contains the elements of the vector with the specified indexes.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
GetValues<K>(IEnumerable<K>) Returns a vector containing the items at the specified key values.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
IsElementWritable Gets whether the value of the element at the specified index can be changed.
(Overrides Vector<T>.IsElementWritable(Int32))
IsMissing Returns whether the value at the specified index is missing.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
KeysAndValues<K> Enumerates all keys and associated values.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Log10InPlace Computes the logarithm of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
LogInPlace() Computes the logarithm of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
LogInPlace(T) Computes the logarithm of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MakeImmutable Protects the vector from changes in values or structure.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Map<U>(Func<T, U>) Applies a function to the elements of a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MapInPlace(Func<Complex<T>, Complex<T>>) Applies a function to the elements of a complex vector.
(Overrides Vector<T>.MapInPlace(Func<T, T>))
MapInPlace(Func<Int32, T, T>) Applies a function in-place to the elements of a vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MapInPlace<U>(Func<T, U, T>, Vector<U>) Applies a function to the elements of a vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MapInto<U>(Func<T, U>, Vector<U>) Applies a function to the elements of a vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MapInto<U>(Func<Int32, T, U>, Vector<U>) Applies a function to the elements of a vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MapWhere<U>(Func<T, Boolean>, Func<T, U>) Applies a function to the elements of a vector that meet a condition and returns the result.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MapWhere<U>(Func<Int32, T, Boolean>, Func<T, U>) Applies a function to the elements of a vector that meet a condition and returns the result.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Max() Returns the value of the largest element in this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Max(Int32) Returns the value of the largest element in this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MaxIndex Returns the index of the largest element in this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MaxInPlace Returns a vector whose elements are the maximum of the components of a vector and a real number.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Min() Returns the value of the smallest element in this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Min(Int32) Returns the value of the smallest element in this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MinIndex Returns the index of the smallest element in this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MinInPlace Returns a vector whose elements are the minimum of the components of a vector and a real number.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
MultiplyInPlace(Complex<T>) Multiplies a vector by a given factor.
(Overrides Vector<T>.MultiplyInPlace(T))
MultiplyInPlace(Matrix<T>, MatrixOperationSide) Multiplies a Vector<T> by a Matrix<T>.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
NegateInPlace Negates a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Norm() Returns the two-norm of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Norm(Int32) Returns the norm of the specified order of this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Norm(T) Returns the norm of the specified order of this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Normalize Scales the vector to make its two-norm equal to one.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
NormSquared Returns the square of the two-norm of this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
OneNorm Returns the one-norm of this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
PermuteInPlace(Permutation) Permutes a vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
PermuteInPlace(Permutation, Boolean) Permutes a vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Product Gets the product of the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Protect Returns a read-only copy of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ProtectInPlace Protects the vector from changes in values or structure.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ReciprocalInPlace Computes the inverses (reciprocals) of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
RemoveMissingValues Removes all the missing values from a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ReplaceMissingValues(T) Replaces all missing values in the vector with the specified value.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ReplaceMissingValues(Vector<T>) Replaces all missing values in the vector with the corresponding element in another vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ReplaceMissingValues(Direction, Int32) Replaces all missing values in a vector with the specified value.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ReplaceMissingValuesInPlace(T) Replaces all missing values in the vector with the specified value in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ReplaceMissingValuesInPlace(Vector<T>) Replaces all missing values in the vector with the corresponding element in another vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ReplaceMissingValuesInPlace(Direction, Int32) Replaces all missing values in a vector with the specified value in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ReplaceMissingValuesInto(T, Vector<T>) Replaces all missing values in a vector with the specified value.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ReplaceMissingValuesInto(Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Replaces all missing values in the vector with the corresponding element in another vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ReplaceMissingValuesInto(Direction, Vector<T>, Int32) Replaces all missing values in a vector with the previous or next non-missing value.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ReplaceValue Replaces every occurrence of a value with a new value.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ReplaceValueInPlace Replaces every occurrence of a value with a new value.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ReplaceValueInto Replaces every occurrence of a value with a new value.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Resample(Recurrence, Direction, TypePreservingAggregatorGroup) Returns a new vector that resamples the values in the vector using the specified recurrence pattern and aggregator.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Resample<R>(Index<R>, Direction, TypePreservingAggregatorGroup) Returns a new vector that resamples the values in the vector using the specified index and aggregator.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Resample<U>(Recurrence, Direction, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new vector that resamples the values in the vector using the specified recurrence pattern and aggregator.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Resample<R, U>(Index<R>, Direction, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new vector that resamples the values in the vector using the specified index and aggregator.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Reshape Returns a matrix that contains the vector elements columnwise.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ReverseInPlace Reverses the order of the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SetMissing Declares that the value at the specified index is missing.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SetToZero Sets all the elements of the vector to 0.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SetValue(T) Sets all the elements of the vector to the specified value.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SetValue(Complex<T>, Int32) Sets the vector element at the specified position to the specified value.
(Overrides Vector<T>.SetValue(T, Int32))
SetValue<K>(T, K) Sets the value at the specified key value.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SetValues(T, Range) Sets a range of elements of the vector to the specified value.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SetValues(T, Vector<Boolean>) Sets the elements of a vector that match the specified condition to the specified value.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SetValues(T, Func<T, Boolean>) Sets all the elements that meet a condition to the specified value.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ShallowCopy Makes a shallow copy of this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SinhInPlace Computes the hyperbolic sine of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SinInPlace Computes the sine of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SortInPlace() Sorts the vector in ascending order.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SortInPlace(SortOrder) Sorts the vector in the specified order.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SortInPlace(SortOrder, Permutation) Sorts the vector in the specified order.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SqrtInPlace Computes the square root of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SubtractInPlace(T) Subtracts a constant value from the elements of this vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SubtractInPlace(Vector<T>) Subtracts another vector from this vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SubtractProductInPlace Subtracts the product of a matrix and a Vector<T> from this Vector<T>.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Sum Gets the sum of the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Summarize() Returns a summary of the contents of the matrix using the default summary options.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Summarize(SummaryOptions) Returns a summary of the contents of the matrix using the specified options.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
SwapElements Exchanges two elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
TanhInPlace Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
TanInPlace Computes the tangent of the elements of a vector in-place.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ToArray Gets the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ToColumnMatrix Creates a matrix with the vector as its only column..
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ToDataFrame<C>(C) Returns a data frame with the current vector as its only column.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ToDataFrame<R, C>(Index<R>, C) Returns a data frame with the current vector as its only column.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ToDenseVector() Makes a copy of this instance and returns it as a dense vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Top Returns a vector containing the specified number of elements from the top of the sorted vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ToRowMatrix Creates a matrix with the vector as its only column..
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ToSparseVector Creates a copy of the vector as a SparseVector<T>.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ToString()Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ToString(String) Converts the numeric value of this vector instance to its equivalent string representation, using the specified format.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
ToString(String, IFormatProvider) Returns a String representation of this vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
TryAggregate<TResult>(Aggregator<T, TResult>, TResult) Applies the specified aggregator to the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
TryAggregate<TResult>(Aggregator<T, TResult>, Nullable<Boolean>, TResult) Applies the specified aggregator to the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
TryAggregate<TResult, TPredicate>(Aggregator<T, TResult>, TPredicate, Nullable<Boolean>, TResult) Applies the specified aggregator to the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
TryCast<U> Attempts to convert the elements of the vector to the specified type.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
TryEnsureWritable() Ensures that every element in the vector can be written to.
(Overrides Vector<T>.TryEnsureWritable())
TryEnsureWritable(Int32) Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Overrides Vector<T>.TryEnsureWritable(Int32))
TryEnsureWritable(Int32, Int32) Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Overrides Vector<T>.TryEnsureWritable(Int32, Int32))
TryGet<K> Attempts to get the value with the specified key.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Unstack<R, C> Returns a data frame that contains the values in the vector arranged according to the levels in a hierarchical index.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
WeightedNorm Returns the weighted two-norm of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
WeightedNormSquared Returns the square of the weighted two-norm of the vector.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Window<U>(Int32, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new vector that aggregates the values in a sliding window of the specified size.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
Window<U>(Int32, Int32, Boolean, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new vector that aggregates the values in a sliding window of the specified size.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)
WithName<C> Sets the name of a vector to the specified value.
(Inherited from Vector<T>)

Extension Methods

Abs<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the absolute values of the components of another vector.
(Defined by Vector)
AbsInto<Complex<T>> Computes the absolute values of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
AbsoluteMax<Complex<T>> Returns the value of the element in this vector that has the largest absolute value.
(Defined by Vector)
AbsoluteMax<Complex<T>> Returns the value of the element in this vector that has the largest absolute value.
(Defined by Vector)
AbsoluteMin<Complex<T>> Returns the value of the element in this vector that has the smallest absolute value.
(Defined by Vector)
AbsoluteMin<Complex<T>> Returns the value of the element in this vector that has the smallest absolute value.
(Defined by Vector)
Acos<Complex<T>> Computes the inverse cosine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Acosh<Complex<T>> Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
AcoshInto<Complex<T>> Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
AcosInto<Complex<T>> Computes the inverse cosine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
AddInto<Complex<T>> Adds two vectors.
(Defined by Vector)
AddProduct<Complex<T>> Adds the product of a matrix and a vector to a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
AddProduct<Complex<T>> Adds the product of a matrix and a vector to a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
AddProductInto<Complex<T>> Adds the scaled product of a matrix and a vector to a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
AddScaledInto<Complex<T>> Adds two vectors.
(Defined by Vector)
AddScaledProduct<Complex<T>> Adds the scaled product of a matrix and a vector to a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
AddScaledProduct<Complex<T>> Adds the scaled product of a matrix and a vector to a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
AddScaledProductInto<Complex<T>> Adds the scaled product of a matrix and a vector to a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Aggregate<Complex<T>> Applies an accumulator function over the elements of a vector.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
Aggregate<Complex<T>, TAccumulate> Applies an accumulator function over the elements of a vector.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
Aggregate<Complex<T>, TAccumulate, TResult> Aggregates the elements of a vector using the specified accumulator and seed value.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
All<Complex<T>> Returns whether all values in a vector satisfy the specified predicate.
(Defined by Vector)
Angle<Complex<T>> Returns the angle between two vectors.
(Defined by Vector)
Any<Complex<T>> Returns whether at least one value in a vector satisfies a predicate.
(Defined by Vector)
Asin<Complex<T>> Computes the inverse sine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Asinh<Complex<T>> Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
AsinhInto<Complex<T>> Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
AsinInto<Complex<T>> Computes the inverse sine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Atan<Complex<T>> Computes the inverse tangent of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Atan2<Complex<T>> Computes the four-quadrant inverse tangent of the corresponding elements of two matrices.
(Defined by Vector)
Atan2Into<Complex<T>> Computes the four-quadrant inverse tangent of the corresponding elements of two matrices.
(Defined by Vector)
Atanh<Complex<T>> Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
AtanhInto<Complex<T>> Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
AtanInto<Complex<T>> Computes the inverse tangent of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Bin<Complex<T>> Sorts values into bins and returns the result as a categorical vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Bin<Complex<T>> Sorts values into bins and returns the result as a categorical vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Bin<Complex<T>> Sorts values into bins and returns the result as a categorical vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Ceiling<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the components of another vector rounded up to the nearest integer.
(Defined by Vector)
CeilingInto<Complex<T>> Computes the smallest integers greater than the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
CentralMoment<Complex<T>> Returns the specified central moment of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Stats)
Clip<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the components of a vector constrained to be within the specified interval.
(Defined by Vector)
ClipInto<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the components of a vector constrained to be within the specified interval.
(Defined by Vector)
Concat<Complex<T>> Concatenates two vectors.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
Conjugate<Complex<T>> Returns the conjugate of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
ConjugateInto<Complex<T>> Conjugates the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Correlation<Complex<T>> Gets the Pearson correlation coefficient between two sets of values.
(Defined by Stats)
CorrelationAs<Complex<T>, TResult> Gets the Pearson correlation coefficient between two sets of values.
(Defined by Stats)
Cos<Complex<T>> Computes the cosine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Cosh<Complex<T>> Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
CoshInto<Complex<T>> Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
CosInto<Complex<T>> Computes the cosine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Covariance<Complex<T>> Gets the covariance between two sets of values.
(Defined by Stats)
CovarianceAs<Complex<T>, TResult> Gets the covariance between two sets of values.
(Defined by Stats)
CreateHistogram<Complex<T>> Returns a histogram of a vector using the specified bin arrangement.
(Defined by Histogram)
CrossProduct<Complex<T>> Returns the cross product of two 3D vectors.
(Defined by Vector)
Difference<Complex<T>> Computes the forward or backward difference of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
DifferenceInto<Complex<T>> Computes the forward or backward difference of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
DotProduct<Complex<T>> Returns the dot product of two vectors.
(Defined by Vector)
ElementwisePow<Complex<T>> Raises the element of a vector to a constant power.
(Defined by Vector)
ElementwisePow<Complex<T>> Raises the element of a vector to a constant power.
(Defined by Vector)
ElementwisePow<Complex<T>> Raises the elements of a vector to a power from the corresponding elements in another vector.
(Defined by Vector)
ElementwisePow<Complex<T>> Raises the elements of a vector to an integer power from the corresponding elements in another vector.
(Defined by Vector)
ElementwisePowInto<Complex<T>> Raises the element of a vector to a constant power.
(Defined by Vector)
ElementwisePowInto<Complex<T>> Raises the element of a vector to a constant power.
(Defined by Vector)
ElementwisePowInto<Complex<T>> Raises the elements of a vector to a power from the corresponding elements in another vector.
(Defined by Vector)
ElementwisePowInto<Complex<T>> Raises the elements of a vector to an integer power from the corresponding elements in another vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Exp<Complex<T>> Computes the exponential of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
ExpInto<Complex<T>> Computes the exponential of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Floor<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the components of another vector rounded down to the nearest integer.
(Defined by Vector)
FloorInto<Complex<T>> Computes the largest integers smaller than the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
GroupBy<Complex<T>, TKey> Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified key selector function.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
GroupBy<Complex<T>, TKey> Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified key selector function and key comparer.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
GroupBy<Complex<T>, TKey, TElement> Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified key selector and element selector functions.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
GroupBy<Complex<T>, TKey, TResult> Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified key selector function and creates a result value from each group and its key.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
GroupBy<Complex<T>, TKey, TElement> Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified key selector and element selector functions, and key comparer.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
GroupBy<Complex<T>, TKey, TResult> Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified key selector function and creates a result value from each group and its key. Key values are compared using the specified comparer.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
GroupBy<Complex<T>, TKey, TElement, TResult> Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified key selector function and creates a result value from each group and its key. The elements of each group are projected using the specified function.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
GroupBy<Complex<T>, TKey, TElement, TResult> Groups the elements of a vector according to the specified key selector function and creates a result value from each group and its key. Key values are compared using the specified comparer, and the elements of each group are projected using the specified function.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
HarmonicMean<Complex<T>> Returns the harmonic mean of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Stats)
HarmonicMeanAs<Complex<T>, TResult> Returns the harmonic mean of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Stats)
Hypot<Complex<T>> Computes the square root of the sum of the squared corresponding elements of two matrices.
(Defined by Vector)
HypotInto<Complex<T>> Computes the square root of the sum of the squared corresponding elements of two matrices.
(Defined by Vector)
InfinityNorm<Complex<T>> Returns the infinity norm of a vector.
(Defined by VectorExtensions)
InterQuartileRange<Complex<T>> Returns the inter-quartile range of the elements of a numerical variable.
(Defined by Stats)
Join<Complex<T>> Joins two vectors.
(Defined by Vector)
Kurtosis<Complex<T>> Returns the kurtosis supplement of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Stats)
KurtosisAs<Complex<T>, TResult> Returns the kurtosis supplement of the elements of an array.
(Defined by Stats)
Lag<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose observations are moved ahead by one observation.
(Defined by VectorExtensions)
Lag<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose observations are moved ahead by the specified number of observations.
(Defined by VectorExtensions)
Lag<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose observations are moved ahead by the specified number of observations.
(Defined by VectorExtensions)
Log<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the logarithms of the components of another vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Log<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the logarithms of the components of another vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Log10<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the base 10 logarithms of the components of another vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Log10Into<Complex<T>> Computes the base 10 logarithm of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
LogInto<Complex<T>> Computes the logarithm of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
LogInto<Complex<T>> Computes the logarithm of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
LogSumExp<Complex<T>> Computes the logarithm of the sum of the exponentials of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
MakeDistributed<Complex<T>> Returns a distributed version of a vector.
(Defined by DistributedExtensions)
Max<Complex<T>> Returns the value of the largest component of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Max<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the maximum of the components of a vector and a real number.
(Defined by Vector)
Max<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the maximums of the components of two vectors.
(Defined by Vector)
MaxInto<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the maximum of the components of a vector and a real number.
(Defined by Vector)
MaxInto<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the maximums of the components of two vectors.
(Defined by Vector)
Mean<Complex<T>> Returns the mean of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Stats)
MeanAs<Complex<T>, TResult> Returns the mean of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Stats)
Median<Complex<T>> Returns the median of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Stats)
Min<Complex<T>> Returns the value of the smallest component of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Min<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the minimum of the components of a vector and a real number.
(Defined by Vector)
Min<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the minimums of the components of two vectors.
(Defined by Vector)
MinInto<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the minimum of the components of a vector and a real number.
(Defined by Vector)
MinInto<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the minimums of the components of two vectors.
(Defined by Vector)
Moment<Complex<T>> Returns the specified raw moment of the elements of an array.
(Defined by Stats)
MultiplyInto<Complex<T>> Multiplies a vector by a constant.
(Defined by Vector)
NegateInto<Complex<T>> Negates a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
OneNorm<Complex<T>> Returns the one-norm of a vector.
(Defined by VectorExtensions)
Percentile<Complex<T>> Gets the specified percentile.
(Defined by Stats)
Permute<Complex<T>> Permutes a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
PopulationKurtosis<Complex<T>> Returns the kurtosis supplement of the elements of an array.
(Defined by Stats)
PopulationKurtosisAs<Complex<T>, TResult> Returns the kurtosis supplement of the elements of an array.
(Defined by Stats)
PopulationSkewness<Complex<T>> Returns the population skewness of the elements of an array.
(Defined by Stats)
PopulationSkewnessAs<Complex<T>, TResult> Returns the population skewness of the elements of an array.
(Defined by Stats)
PopulationStandardDeviation<Complex<T>> Returns the population standard deviation of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Stats)
PopulationStandardDeviationAs<Complex<T>, TResult> Returns the population standard deviation of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Stats)
PopulationVariance<Complex<T>> Returns the variance of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Stats)
PopulationVarianceAs<Complex<T>, TResult> Returns the variance of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Stats)
Product<Complex<T>> Returns the product of the components of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Project<Complex<T>> Returns the projection of one vector onto another.
(Defined by Vector)
Quantile<Complex<T>> Gets the specified quantile.
(Defined by VectorExtensions)
Quantiles<Complex<T>> Gets the specified quantile.
(Defined by VectorExtensions)
Range<Complex<T>> Returns the range of the elements of a numerical variable.
(Defined by Stats)
Ranks<Complex<T>> Returns the ranks of the observations.
(Defined by Stats)
Reciprocal<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the inverses (reciprocals) of the components of another vector.
(Defined by Vector)
ReciprocalInto<Complex<T>> Computes the inverses (reciprocals) of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Round<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the components of another vector rounded to the nearest integer.
(Defined by Vector)
Round<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the components of another vector rounded to the nearest integer.
(Defined by Matrix)
Select<Complex<T>, TResult> Projects each element of a vector into a new form.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
Select<Complex<T>, TResult> Projects each element of a vector into a new form by incorporating the elements index.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
SelectMany<Complex<T>, TResult> Projects each element of a vector to a vector and flattens the resulting vectors into one vector.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
SelectMany<Complex<T>, TResult> Projects each element of a vector to a vector incorporating the element's index and flattens the resulting vectors into one vector.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
SelectMany<Complex<T>, TCollection, TResult> Projects each element of a vector to a vector and flattens the resulting vectors into one vector, and applies a selector function to each element of the flattened vector.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
SelectMany<Complex<T>, TCollection, TResult> Projects each element of a vector to a vector incorporating the element's index and flattens the resulting vectors into one vector, and applies a selector function to each element of the flattened vector.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
Sin<Complex<T>> Computes the sine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Sinh<Complex<T>> Computes the hyperbolic sine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
SinhInto<Complex<T>> Computes the hyperbolic sine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
SinInto<Complex<T>> Computes the sine of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Skewness<Complex<T>> Returns the skewness of the elements of an array.
(Defined by Stats)
SkewnessAs<Complex<T>, TResult> Returns the skewness of the elements of an array.
(Defined by Stats)
Sort<Complex<T>> Sorts a vector in ascending order.
(Defined by Vector)
Sort<Complex<T>> Sorts a vector in the specified order.
(Defined by Vector)
Sort<Complex<T>> Sorts a vector in the specified order and also returns the sorting permutation.
(Defined by Vector)
SplitBy<Complex<T>> Splits a vector according to the specified grouping.
(Defined by Vector)
SplitBy<Complex<T>> Splits a vector according to the specified grouping.
(Defined by Vector)
Sqrt<Complex<T>> Computes the square root of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
SqrtInto<Complex<T>> Computes the square root of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
SquaredDifference<Complex<T>> Returns the norm of the difference of two vectors.
(Defined by Vector)
StandardDeviation<Complex<T>> Returns the standard deviation of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Stats)
StandardDeviationAs<Complex<T>, TResult> Returns the standard deviation of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Stats)
SubtractInto<Complex<T>> Subtracts two vectors.
(Defined by Vector)
SubtractInto<Complex<T>> Subtracts one vector from another.
(Defined by Vector)
Sum<Complex<T>> Returns the sum of the components of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
SumAs<Complex<T>, TResult> Returns the sum of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Stats)
Tan<Complex<T>> Computes the tangent of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
Tanh<Complex<T>> Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
TanhInto<Complex<T>> Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
TanInto<Complex<T>> Computes the tangent of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Vector)
ToJson<Complex<T>> Returns a string containing a vector in JSON format.
(Defined by JsonFile)
ToLookup<Complex<T>, TKey> Creates a lookup from a vector according to the specified key selector function.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
ToLookup<Complex<T>, TKey> Creates a lookup from a vector according to the specified key selector function and key comparer.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
ToLookup<Complex<T>, TKey, TElement> Creates a lookup from a vector according to the specified key selector and element selector functions.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
ToLookup<Complex<T>, TKey, TElement> Creates a lookup from a vector according to the specified key selector and element selector functions, and key comparer.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
TrimmedMean<Complex<T>> Returns the trimmed mean of the elements of a numerical variable.
(Defined by Stats)
Truncate<Complex<T>> Returns a vector whose elements are the components of another vector rounded to the nearest integer towards zero.
(Defined by Matrix)
TwoNorm<Complex<T>> Returns the two-norm of a vector.
(Defined by VectorExtensions)
Variance<Complex<T>> Returns the variance of the elements of a vector.
(Defined by Stats)
VarianceAs<Complex<T>, TResult> Returns the variance of the elements of a span.
(Defined by Stats)
WeightedMean<Complex<T>> Returns the mean of the variable with observations weighted by the specified vector.
(Defined by Stats)
WeightedStandardDeviation<Complex<T>> Returns the standard deviation of the variable with observations weighted by the specified vector.
(Defined by Stats)
Where<Complex<T>> Filters the elements of a vector based on a predicate.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)
Where<Complex<T>> Filters the elements of a vector based on a predicate. Each element's index is used in the logic of the predicate function.
(Defined by LinqExtensions)

See Also