Tensor.Identity Method


Namespace: Numerics.NET.Tensors
Assembly: Numerics.NET.Tensors (in Numerics.NET.Tensors.dll) Version: 9.0.5
Creates an identity tensor with a specified size and order.

Overload List

Identity<T>(Int32, Int32, TensorElementOrder) Returns a 2D tensor that is 1 on the specified diagonal and zero everywhere else.
Identity<T>(Int32, Int32, Int32, TensorElementOrder) Returns a 2D tensor that is 1 on the specified diagonal and zero everywhere else.

Identity<T>(Int32, Int32, TensorElementOrder)

Returns a 2D tensor that is 1 on the specified diagonal and zero everywhere else.
public static Tensor<T> Identity<T>(
	int size,
	int diagonal = 0,
	TensorElementOrder order = TensorElementOrder.CStyle


size  Int32
The number of rows and columns of the tensor.
diagonal  Int32  (Optional)
Optional. The diagonal that contains the unit elements. The default (0) indicates the main diagonal. Positive values indicate a diagonal above the main diagonal. Negative values indicate a diagonal below the main diagonal.
order  TensorElementOrder  (Optional)
Optional. The order of the elements in the tensor.

Type Parameters

The type of the elements of the tensor.

Return Value

A tensor with size rows and columns with ones on the diagonal specified by diagonal.



size is less than zero.

Identity<T>(Int32, Int32, Int32, TensorElementOrder)

Returns a 2D tensor that is 1 on the specified diagonal and zero everywhere else.
public static Tensor<T> Identity<T>(
	int rowCount,
	int columnCount,
	int diagonal = 0,
	TensorElementOrder order = TensorElementOrder.CStyle


rowCount  Int32
The number of rows of the tensor.
columnCount  Int32
The number of columns of the tensor.
diagonal  Int32  (Optional)
Optional. The diagonal that contains the unit elements. The default (0) indicates the main diagonal. Positive values indicate a diagonal above the main diagonal. Negative values indicate a diagonal below the main diagonal.
order  TensorElementOrder  (Optional)
Optional. Specifies the element order of the result. By default, elements are stored in C-style (row-major) order.

Type Parameters

The type of the elements of the tensor.

Return Value

A tensor with rowCount rows and columnCount columns with ones on the diagonal specified by diagonal.



rowCount is less than zero.


columnCount is less than zero.

See Also