Intent Enumeration

Enumerates the possible reasons for how an object will be used.


Namespace: Numerics.NET
Assembly: Numerics.NET (in Numerics.NET.dll) Version: 9.0.0
public enum Intent


Use the ArrayMutability enumeration to specify the intended use of an object or parameter.

Passing objects or creating references to objects (such as rows or columns of matrices) can be expensive if it is not known in advance how the object or reference will be used. Conversely, having this knowledge enables certain optimizations.


Inherit0 Return an array with the same mutability as the array from which it was derived. This is the default.
ReadOnly1 Return a read-only array that may be a live view or a copy. The result depends on the default mutability behaviour and the type of array.
ReadOnlyCopy2 The array's values cannot be modified in any way.
ReadOnlyView3 Return an array that is a live view of the parent array's values that cannot be written to.
WritableCopy4 Return a writable copy of the array. Changing values will not affect the parent object's values. Actual copying may be delayed until the array is written to.
WritableView5 Return an array that is a live view of the parent array's values. Changing values also changes values in the parent array.

See Also